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WaterChi t1_jam41e6 wrote

They have video ... and still say he "allegedly attacked" her.


ALurkerForcedToLogin t1_jam6ffz wrote

That's the legal system for you. If this went to trial and the jury decided not guilty, the perp could start filling lawsuits against news publications and win a bunch of money. So they put allegedly in there to cover their ass.


WalnutScorpion t1_jam76x3 wrote

>Depa — who allegedly told cops he was “going to kill her” when he is released from custody — will be tried as an adult for aggravated battery on a school board employee, a charge punishable by up to 30 years behind bars.
>The troubled teen has a violent past and was arrested three times for simple battery in 2019.
>Depa is considered behaviorally disabled and requires specially designed instruction and related services as a so-called “exceptional student.”

Eh, 4th time's the charm? It's an overall sad thing, both that (after 3 incidents!) he hasn't been put in a place where he actually gets help/protection from himself and for the teacher that didn't deserve such a dramatic reaction.


[deleted] t1_jam7eej wrote

How is this not a repost on this sub already, and how do people still not know about this? It happened days ago and had full coverage lol.


ux3l t1_jamb00m wrote

You mean this?

>A student attacked his teacher allegedly after she took away his Nintendo Switch.

It's not "A student attacked his teacher allegedly" but "allegedly after she took away his Nintendo Switch". The reason is alleged, not the attack.


[deleted] t1_jamsn1b wrote

I like how all the social workers are trying to reason with the offensive tackle as he continues to beat an unconscious body... at least you avoided being called racist! Her white privilege will protect her.


Mx_phreek t1_javq70k wrote

The dude with what looks like a id badge on his belt should be ashamed of himself and sacked for me. That guy was punching and stomping on her and he just leisurely walks up in no hurry whilst women run to her defense to try and stop him and he's just meh about it really pisses me off.