Minqua t1_jawexjt wrote
Reply to comment by Whatevernevermind2k in Premier 'astonished' at B.C. firm's claim it got Health Canada approval to make and sell cocaine by IHOP_007
Do you really not see the violence the drug trade has caused in poorer communities? Its a black market item so that makes it way more dangerous. Colombia in the 80s/90s, mexico now.
Please the war on drugs has been an enormous failure
Whatevernevermind2k t1_jawfnxk wrote
What make you so sure the violence would not be a hell of a lot worse if it was legalised?
The most violence caused by any intoxicant is caused by alcohol; which is legal.
Minqua t1_jawhnx8 wrote
Have you ever heard of a gang shooting over aspirin?
Whatevernevermind2k t1_jawiib3 wrote
What are the number of deaths of cocaine related gang violence vs cocaine related usage deaths?
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