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thesweeterpeter t1_jawugjg wrote

I'm sorry I just can't believe this. The article is sourced like a "cousin of a friend of a friend of mine".

This is just too far beyond the pale.


Rosebunse t1_jaxacy5 wrote

I don't want this imagine in my head!


Luckcrisis t1_jaxn364 wrote

He must have he'll of an immune system at this point. Wait, vomit in my mouth. Can't go forward with anymore jokes...


jointheredditarmy t1_jaxnw8m wrote

I thought it was one of these Indian arranged marriages where the groom was 2. But it was so much worse


thesweeterpeter t1_jaxuw5k wrote

>Wedding planner Georgie Mitchell visited a podcast called ‘Unfiltered Bride,’ and as she was chatting with co-presenter Beth Smith, she recalled a story told by a wedding make-up artist Jenny, whom she used to work with.

>Mitchell told Smith how the bride had gone to the restroom, only to be greeted by the shocker of her life!

>Smith’s first guess was that the groom was caught cheating, but that was not the case

It sounds like the reporter listened to a podcast, and this isn't the podcast guests first hand account - it's a recollection from a makeup artist they used to know.

This is like 4 degrees away from the reader of the article. The reporter is going out of their way to distance themselves from accountability to verify the sourcing here.

I read it, I read it like three times because I couldn't believe someone would have the gal to publish something so incredibly flimsy


vladitocomplaino t1_jay2qgt wrote

Well, shit, now I'm gonna have to go binge watch, political-correctness be damned


Chard069 t1_jazmhhn wrote

I skipped the article and considered what circumstance would shock most: the fellow is caught nursing from his a) mature daughter; 2) sister; 3) cousin; 4) mother; 5) grandma; 6) aunt; 7) fat uncle. Or from 8) an unrelated hireling. Human, not just a milk goat.