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Ainell t1_jbakurc wrote

If you're not supposed to hump them, why are they called humpback whales? /s


wallstreetegg OP t1_jbaxxr2 wrote

>Jiménez told officers "he's not going to stop swimming with whales and dolphins, 'because it's magical and others do much worse things,'" the department said.

No one can stop Hawaii man


JackFunk t1_jbb3m2m wrote

This sub is a parade of not oniony posts.


buckykat t1_jbb5ioz wrote

"Enough of the 'Whale Fucking is non-consensual' bullshit. A Humpback Whale weighs 70,000 pounds, is fifty feet long, can dive more than a quarter mile and can crush ships with a single swipe of its tail. If a human manages to fuck one, you damn well better believe it's consensual"

-John McAfee


Evilkenevil77 t1_jbb5oci wrote

And the award for the most unnecessary asshole goes to....


Nail_Biterr t1_jbbdjxj wrote

okay... so serious question... is he just swimming with them? or is he trying to have sex with them? I think we're all wondering it, right?


ohnoohnoohyeah t1_jbbkukr wrote

Dolphin Dave, formerly know as Dipshit Dave, Douchebag Dave, and Dumbass Dave, surprisingly did more dumb shit! This time in water.


Soangry75 t1_jbca3el wrote

Endless Ocean was just a video game.


Fortune404 t1_jbcdk20 wrote

"Jiménez appears to extend his hand toward the whale, nearly touching it."

Lol, in the picture, unless it's a teacup whale that is only 20cm long, he isn't even close to touching it.

Sure, he shouldn't be that close and is doing dumb shit, but no need to sensationlize it silly media...


Slim706 t1_jbcdp5n wrote

A name like Dolphin Dave to me feels like he’s doing a whole lot more than “harassing”


Alright-its-me t1_jbce53c wrote

Meanwhile in Japan, Norway & Iceland we don’t touch we club. But yeah touching bad.


[deleted] t1_jbcqmfd wrote

not gonna lie, harassing humpback Whales sounds so funny to me 😆
I just imagine an annoyed whale trying to get away from the dude, calling the ocean police to arrest him 😆


Embarrassed_Ad7013 t1_jbd6ob8 wrote

That is also a violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. So folks, stay away from dophins, sea lions, seals, manatees, et al.


[deleted] t1_jbdraao wrote

"Fuckayou whale and fuckayou dolphin" -Dolphin Dave


Martyr-Saint t1_jbdxeqr wrote

I suppose personal safety and disturbing rco systems?

I’d rather everybody who actually wants to swim with dolphins have a safe and fun time, as opposed to idk, getting eaten by a shark or drowning or something.

On top of that we don’t want any ACTUAL dolphin fuckers to get a free pass.

Sure, this guy is more or less harmless but who knows what kind of freaks a “NO RULES” type approach would attract.


steeldragon88 t1_jbe1xb3 wrote

Looks like someone’s a fan of John C. Lilly’s work. Probably tripping balls while he’s out there.


objeteh t1_jbedpwd wrote

AirDolphin would never do this


Brotherwolf2 t1_jbedrdz wrote

OK guys just so we all know and everybody understands why this is a big deal.

Spinner dolphins hunt at night and they sleep during the day. They take shelter along the West side of the big island during the day and sleep.

Biologists have spent a great deal of time figuring out, with science, that when we wake them up all day long by swimming it's bad for them. We stress them out and prevent them from getting a good night's rest. This leads to lower birth weights and poor hunting for them.

Swimming with the dolphins if they are Spinner dolphins is actually really bad for the dolphins. How would you like it if somebody would come to your house, while you were sleeping, and thought it was cool to come into your room and walk around your room in the middle of the night?

The sightseeing industry has focused on connecting people to humpback whales. To say they were disappointed in the federal law changing and protecting Spinner dolphins is an understatement. Here on the Big Island there is a whole telegram channel dedicated to lovers of dolphin swimming. There position to the most part is "As a human I can wake those sleepy fucks anytime I want."


Hug_The_NSA t1_jbel6mh wrote

People like you are why modern society sucks. Just adding arbitrary bullshit rules because youre worried about other peoples safety. If you are worried about the risks of swimming with dolphins dont do it. The guy in the article did nothing wrong and should have been left alone.


PartyPorpoise t1_jbelzx7 wrote

It’s less about human safety and more about not disturbing the animals. When whales and dolphins are constantly being approached by humans, it stresses them out and disrupts their normal routines and behaviors. They start to avoid areas where they’re being approached, which is a problem when those places are important feeding and calving grounds. When it’s just one guy it’s not an issue, but it’s a big problem when a lot of people do it. Hence the law.


Hottiles t1_jbf78gr wrote

I'm sure he didn't do it on porpoise.


Glitter_Butch t1_jbh4ix0 wrote

My first thought was a guy in my room staring at me and saying “don’t worry I won’t hurt you, I’m just here to look at you” 👀

In all seriousness this is awful and I hope the full weight of the law comes crashing down on this guy til he leaves them alone.


raised_by_groening t1_jd7a7ql wrote

No, what I have is a romantic abnormality--
One so unbelievable it must be hidden from the public at all costs

~Troy Mcclure