Submitted by agonhaziri t3_11ltao9 in nottheonion
[deleted] t1_jbe0b9g wrote
beachbadger t1_jbe0qmx wrote
This is the first time in years I've been reminded that Oklahoma even exists.
[deleted] t1_jbe18zc wrote
then everyone popped an oxy, took a rip from their meth pipe, and chugged a natty lite in celebration
SnarfbObo t1_jbe1idz wrote
Can't even drink shine like self respecting bumpkins
BridgetheDivide t1_jbe2anw wrote
These are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west.
HighOnGoofballs t1_jbe4pjy wrote
It wasn’t even close
AlvinsH0TJuicebox t1_jbe7yk7 wrote
You know…..morons.
zwaaa t1_jbf3nr9 wrote
Basically this is what happens when Christians decide they know how you should live your life and go ahead and make laws for you.
Acceptable-Crew6144 t1_jbfdb3v wrote
Shocking! Just shocking.
Bitch_Posse t1_jbfeezd wrote
Considering their love for guns, racism and misogyny I thought they were all high already.
UpDog1966 t1_jbg0rz7 wrote
They are used to leaving the state all the time.
soysubstitute t1_jbgoapj wrote
The Meth Lobby is strong in Oklahoma.
[deleted] t1_jbhx8px wrote
Antiquemooses t1_jbe00yv wrote
because they love freedom