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alzee76 t1_jbovgel wrote

> Fox News senior strategic analyst retired Gen. Jack Keane stated, “China does have a military advantage.” They outnumber the United States in terms of ships, aircraft, and both offensive and defensive missiles.

Well yes. Until relatively recently, quantity over quality was their mantra just like it was with the USSR.

> This year, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) ran a war game that simulated what would happen if the People’s Republic of China launched an amphibious attack on Taiwan. It found that the United States would probably run out of long-range precision-guided missiles within a week.

No idea what this particular bit of trivia is supposed to portend, honestly. "Long-range precision-guided missiles" aren't exactly the keystone to the defense of a small island nation. They'd mostly be useful for striking within mainland China, which we probably wouldn't do much of.


Florac t1_jboxiam wrote

Yup. And between the US and Taiwan, there are enough short range precision guided missiles to sink the chinese fleet several times over.


AffectionateWalk6101 t1_jbp5ukp wrote

Not to mention our bombers can carry dozens of cruise missiles each, and reach the area in less than a day from anywhere on earth.