Submitted by Mighty_L_LORT t3_11o4uhe in nottheonion
Sophisticated_T-Rex t1_jbrvd4p wrote
Reply to comment by hatersaurusrex in Developers who destroyed historic Lancashire pub ordered to rebuild it by Mighty_L_LORT
"New housing shouldn't be built because it won't cater to me!"
Living up to your name, hatersaurusrex
hatersaurusrex t1_jbrvkzt wrote
Won't somebody please think of the millionaires?
Sophisticated_T-Rex t1_jbrw4h4 wrote
Hey genius, guess what:
The cost of housing is based off of supply and demand. Right now there's an assload of demand and no supply. You know what will happen if you let them continue building their 500sqft condos instead of kicking and cryinf about new development like a five year old? Eventually, the supply will grow to a point where it equalizes with demand and gasp prices will drop!
Takenabe t1_jbrxj7t wrote
Fellas, please. This dino on dino violence has to end.
TwentySevenNihilists t1_jbsfz7g wrote
You're higoddamnlarious. Housing costs are never going to significantly drop in a US metro area unless the city is abandoned.
Everyone's answer to the housing crisis is to build more housing, but I don't hear a lot about where that housing is going to go. Try to put it in any city's historic district, and your are not going to get affordable housing for normal people.
You want affordable housing where I live, you have to move way the fuck out of the city (or start collecting roommates). Once you find affordable rent, your transportation costs have sky-rocketed.
The old "supply and demand" mantra isn't holding up so well after 2.5 centuries. They didn't have Airbnb, Berkshire Hathaway, or rent optimizing algorithms in 1776.
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