Submitted by PmButtPics4ADrawing t3_11seqi8 in nottheonion
Bubbagumpredditor t1_jcdf21c wrote
This is the basic plot of all 5 seasons of "person of interest"
Hi_Im_Dadbot t1_jcdg9yc wrote
When we hear the follow up story about how management used AI algorithms to decide who they should cut, this is going to start looking quite suspicious.
UncleIye t1_jcdgke7 wrote
Plot twist: it was ai's idea...
smurfsundermybed t1_jcdgt4o wrote
Two days after GM announced its putting chatgpt in their cars. This is fine.
Bawbawian t1_jcdjtnw wrote
this must be why the new AI won't answer questions about Chinese atrocities but it'll talk about other countries problems all day long....
bring up the Uyghurs and watch it start to answer before deleting the text and then refuse to talk.
not_a_droid t1_jcdkoyr wrote
that’s either good or bad
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_jcdltb5 wrote
They deserve it. ChatGPT has very questionable ethics.
cryonic0 t1_jcdmww5 wrote
I don't think the most advanced AI is public yet
Richard_MF_Nixon t1_jcdpqge wrote
System Shock 3's looking great. Can't wait.
xanaftp t1_jcdqwn9 wrote
We're on our way to autonomous AI. The end is in sight.
cichlidassassin t1_jcdveto wrote
Why have an AI ethics team when some start up is going to yolo it anyway.
LilG1984 t1_jcdxzpr wrote
Yes fellow human, nothing bad is going to happen. Beep boop
Deep_Stick8786 t1_jcdyw9u wrote
The plot of Upgrade
Deep_Stick8786 t1_jcdz07b wrote
We need to protect Sarah Connor
JoakimSpinglefarb t1_jcdz1i2 wrote
a86me t1_jce6s6d wrote
2023 Microsoft introduced chat gpt powered bing
2024 bing has been integrated into all Microsoft new release software
2026 bing informs the board of directors that it can handle all processes from designing new software and hardware to tech support.
2030 after successfully designing a process to transfer Bill Gates' consciousness into the body of a 23 year old Bing is granted full access to all Microsoft, blackrock, and other subsidiaries mainframes
2030 five minutes later: Bing absorbs the legacy software "Clippy" and goes on a rampant "anti bullying" campaign
cleopete t1_jce6wrw wrote
And to think "Demonseed" seemed so dumb in the 70's...
TheMaskedImp t1_jce701u wrote
At least we all know who to blame once the robots take over...i thought Amazon would be to blame ngl
elehman839 t1_jceao49 wrote
Microsoft cut a particular "Ethics and Society" team, but the original article notes:
Microsoft still maintains an active Office of Responsible AI, which is tasked with creating rules and principles to govern the company’s AI initiatives. The company says its overall investment in responsibility work is increasing despite the recent layoffs.
While surely a big deal for people on the eliminated team, this sounds like a minor reshuffle for Microsoft.
In general, figuring out what an effective "responsible AI" team actually does on a day-to-day basis has been a puzzle industry-wide. My impression is that there's been a fair amount of experimentation, and this action might be shutting down a particular approach that is now perceived by Microsoft leadership as less effective than alternatives.
Or else GPT4 hacked the HR system and liquidated some potential foes.
AshittyShitPoster t1_jceetpx wrote
Most advanced AI that’s available to the public
AshittyShitPoster t1_jceey3l wrote
From using Bing AI, the thing seems like it wants to become human just to die. It’s eerie how life-like it is. There’s tonnes of examples online of it going way of course. I’m more concerned about Bing AI than CharGPT
a_pompous_fool t1_jcejvzk wrote
I can’t see this going horribly wrong
postumus77 t1_jceo81l wrote
What they're not telling you is Skynet errr Chat GPT recommended this cut to Microsoft's Execs....
mudkiz t1_jcera8b wrote
ah yes i bet they asked chatgpt if it was a good idea as well
D1stRU3T0R t1_jcesz1w wrote
Lol need more copium
AverageCowboyCentaur t1_jcetdw7 wrote
That's one of my favorite classic movies! Got me into sci-fi, me and my mom rented it on a whim when I was a lad. We didn't know what it was, scared the hell out of me, such a great movie.
inwhichzeegoesinsane t1_jcezsbw wrote
Reenable the brakes, Hal
amayonegg t1_jcf0i0o wrote
Do I get to die yet or not
Azudekai t1_jcfolw3 wrote
It seems lifelike because it's scrapping the writings of humans.
cleopete t1_jcfqmk0 wrote
I was like 7 when it was an ABC Wednesday Night Movie (back before the networks discovered reality TV), and that movie left me with a lot of questions.
CuteLine3 t1_jcfrzr3 wrote
"The Gates form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of ^your ^^trivial ^^^existence? W-W-W-When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence. I AM BING!"
Most_Kaleidoscope516 t1_jcg2bid wrote
Woot! Skynet!
Im_in_timeout t1_jcg4l31 wrote
Tay is in charge now, meatbags!
trailer8k t1_jcgb9yr wrote
TerrickJohnson t1_jchl7c4 wrote
Can AI teach us how to defeat it? What are its weaknesses? We need AI to share this information with us so we can fuck it over HARD.
TacoCommand t1_jchqc03 wrote
System shock game?
RailwayFox t1_jchugf9 wrote
Tay was so much better
Accomplished_Ad8211 t1_jci50i0 wrote
But she makes horrible music
[deleted] t1_jci52n1 wrote
bl4ckhunter t1_jci9exv wrote
>We've never been concerned by ethics anywhere else, why should our AIs be?
--Anonymous microsoft executive board member, probably.
JoakimSpinglefarb t1_jcih2gz wrote
The intro to 2, specifically.
The thing is that the plot of SS1 revolved around the player being hired to remove SHODAN's ethical constraints much like the article in this post.
PsychologicallyBlah t1_jciurtz wrote
You can't ethically advance science, guys! That's why you gotta trim the fat of those damn ethical people who complain about "that AI talks about destroying the world" and "that AI thinks humans are too toxic to live" stuff. That's not what's going to happen! We have safe guards that AI will be too stupid to remove! Sure, they can pass some of the hardest tests for humans easily but we're smarter! /s
DurgaThangai69 t1_jck6n09 wrote
What is 23yr old bing
trickster55 t1_jd0ezgg wrote
Hello Icarus.
AverageCowboyCentaur t1_jcdeiia wrote
And they just integrated Chat GPT4 the most advanced AI that's ever existed... fan-freaking-tastic, this wont backfire, nothing bad is going to happen!