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NikoKida t1_jd9l1mz wrote

I once had a friend whose mom always told the tale of how her younger sister was born dead (like came out blue, not breathing, and no pulse), but then miraculously came back to life an hour or two later without the doctors resuscitation cause they all thought she was dead.

I only remembered it the other day and had the realization that the only thing I had to go off of was her mom’s testimony. Never found any kind of news about it besides one article and one radio interview years later that was just her telling the story (in a Catholic magazine and a Christian radio station, respectively). Nothing at the time it happened, and not a word from any doctor. Curious.


solarssun t1_jda1eee wrote

The thing is is I doubt that the doctor wouldn't have tried to get the baby back. My brother came out with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and was blue. The doctor isn't going to just let the baby sit there dead since it's blue.