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pichael289 t1_jeeilhk wrote

My sheriff is that asshole you saw with the big ass hat that was on Tucker Carlson. He got rid of the narcan in my county (Butler county Ohio, between Cincinnati and Dayton) at the peak of the opiate crisis. This is one of those kind of people. Scared everyone to death and in the same breath told us our neighbors and family members don't deserve to be saved. We lost hundreds of people, I lost my best friend. This shit is no threat to normal people, but anyone who so much as takes a pill they aren't sure about is at risk of death. Asshole also fought against any and all rehab facilities, made sure there were few resources to actually fight this issue. It's a political tool, a scare tactic. But when it comes to actually fixing the problem they chose to sweep it under the rug. We've got college kids overdosing on bad Adderall, but there's this "the junkies get what they deserve" sentiment hanging around. It's all theater, a big political fucking circus


[deleted] t1_jeet7p2 wrote



AbigailxThrowaway t1_jef1upu wrote

This. The war on drugs was terrible and affected anyone living in a low income area, nobody cared about the countless suburban kids doing drugs around school.