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plumquat t1_jdlcyls wrote


EspHack t1_jdo2p4p wrote

let me try again

if you're powerful enough to make rich people pay, then you're also the rich people you're trying to tax

money and power are the same thing, its not a just a catchy phrase, money buys politics and politics makes money


plumquat t1_jdo79f3 wrote

Right we have to recapture the IRS and a majority in Congress, I understand that. That's why the fed is creating a recession because we cant lower inflation with an act of Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy because they're already owned.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jdrvbp4 wrote

The Fed works for the bankers and Wall Street. All of their moves at all times are for the benefit of the .1%. That’s it. Same with the FBI.

The only time you get Justice is when someone following the rules doesn’t know any better and thought the lies they were told about justice were real.