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patienceisfun2018 t1_jdsldx9 wrote

I have stringent dietary restrictions and peanut butter is one of my favorite travel foods. Obviously, there are always alternatives, but classifying it as a liquid is stupid and another example of the security theater bullshit they put us through.


grudginglyadmitted t1_jdt6e5j wrote

my sister has tons of food allergies and just recently had to beg TSA to let her keep her jar of jam (that plus some bread was her only meal for the 14+ hour travel day). If you guys end up on a flight together I bet you can make a great pb and j


man-vs-spider t1_jdv0ekw wrote

Regardless of if it’s actually a “liquid”, it’s properties are those that security would be looking out for in explosives. So doesn’t sound too stupid to me (since we already have restrictions for liquids in general)


Larkson9999 t1_jdun09q wrote

Isn't peanut butter a fairly easy item to procure upon arrival?