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ElGuapo315 t1_jdv4t24 wrote

TSA: You have to dump out that water.

Also TSA: Ice cubes? You're good to go!


Harry_Gorilla t1_jdv5gjd wrote

Hah! That’s hilariously amazing. New one to me. Edit: after some thought… one reason you can’t have water is because there are explosive components that look very similar to water. But they don’t freeze. So if your water is frozen then it can’t be a liquid component of an ied.


Ketheres t1_jdwujix wrote

>But they don’t freeze.

You can freeze all matter if you get it cold enough, and stuff that's liquid in room temperature usually doesn't need to be really cold to be frozen solid. Stuff that looks like water when liquid might not look like water ice when solid though.


Harry_Gorilla t1_jdxb7th wrote

Riiiight, but the explosive slurries have such a low freezing temp that it would not stay frozen at room temperature long enough to get through security