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Timbershoe t1_jefmf72 wrote

That the FBI don’t really release simple soundbites of complex physiological profiles, and reporters like reductive clickbait headlines?


Numerous_Vegetable_3 t1_jegh64m wrote

Absolutely no idea but the lack of apparent motive & constant changing of the story + restricted access to the people who were involved doesn't help.

Coming out with this absolute bullshit motive doesn't help. The shooter was researching rooms above large concerts for months before Vegas, he even booked a room above lolapalooza in Chicago and didn't check in. He was planning this for a while and researching sites that had nothing to do with casinos or gambling.

This shooting is one of the strangest ones. I don't think anybody has a good idea of the truth, but I think we can all agree that we don't have it yet.