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Material-Committee40 t1_is1rcb2 wrote

Scotland is not a real country


DamnBunny t1_is22i2n wrote

And I thought I repulse people with that kind of statement. Wow. Would you also like to sponsor CLONE HITLER Fundmepage? If you act now, you can get 10% off your gas bill :3


TheGrayBox t1_is3t9z3 wrote

Calm down. Scotland is a country but not a sovereign one. OP’s comment was ignorant but also not entirely off-base as a response to this guy’s rant. The UK historically has overridden abortion policy in the constituent countries despite devolution, such as in Northern Ireland. Many of his complaints apply to all of the UK, not just Scotland.


AnAquaticOwl t1_is28muv wrote

While it's definitely a non sequitur, I think their point is that Scotland isn't a country as per the UN. It's a part of the United Kingdom.


Doodle_Brush t1_is2i1rv wrote

The UK is a "Country" made up of four seperate countries.

Sincerely, A Scotsman.


brendonmilligan t1_is2nsl3 wrote

No. It’s a country made up of four separate “countries”.

Sincerely a Briton.

A country isn’t a country if it’s government isn’t sovereign. The Scottish government and others are not sovereign as the U.K. government is above them hence why the U.K. is a country and Scotland, England, wales and Northern Ireland arent.


grammarpolice__ t1_is2w3r5 wrote

A country is a country if its government isn’t sovereign, next time, fact check before making your fucking stupid claims


brendonmilligan t1_is2wfwy wrote

Cool, what country has a government that isn’t sovereign?


grammarpolice__ t1_is2wplg wrote

Literally the 4 countries in the UK


brendonmilligan t1_is2x7yq wrote

Cool, except they aren’t by the very definition of country.

Is California a country? They also have a “devolved” government, including their own judicial system, this also expands to include every other US state, it also includes Germany who also have devolved governments, it also includes Italy and it includes Netherlands who like the U.K. also have “constituent countries”.
