Submitted by jdbsplashum t3_y2a5lg in nottheonion
RRC_driver t1_is26wrw wrote
Reply to comment by AlexRenquist in US anti-abortion campaigner quotes Bravehart in bizarre Scotland rant by jdbsplashum
China, famous for its strict one-child policy, is now pro--life?
soldforaspaceship t1_is2jt9q wrote
China no longer has a one child policy. It's now two (or three in some cases). They are starting to look at abortion rights too now that they need more children. Worrying for the women there as abortion has always been very available and sex Ed isn't comprehensive.
i_love_dragon_dick t1_is3300f wrote
Yeah, the policy finally caught up to them. Since parents were getting rid of their first-born girls there's a mass swath of men without partners (so that fuels a huge sex slave trade) :(
will221996 t1_is3ucis wrote
Okay, hold up, let's stop spreading disinformation here.
>policy finally caught up to them
The generation where the gap was the largest, after the introduction of the one child policy(50ish years ago) and before massive rapid orderly urbanisation which decreased the relative economic advantage of having boys(30ish years ago), has already "passed". You do not see sex number gaps in Chinese cities anymore than you see them in western european cities. Where the gap is present is in impoverished rural areas, but even then the bulk of that has "passed"; especially in those areas, the expectation is marriage at 25ish for men, men who are now 40ish.
>so that fuels a huge sex slave trade
China does not have a huge sex slavery problem. According to the walk free foundation, focused on modern slavery, less than 0.1 percent of the Chinese population is enslaved. That number is comparable to or better than Eastern European EU members, who generally are the best of the middle income developing countries in most things human rights. Compared to other developing middle income countries, China is actually very good at combating modern day slavery.
What China does have is a prostitution "problem". Prostitution is illegal in China, but tolerated. That system means that sex workers don't have the legal protections they should have. That is a million miles away from the situation you suggest is present.
SkivvySkidmarks t1_is43zbq wrote
Friends were in Beijing just prior to the pandemic. They were surprised by the number of flyers slipped under their hotel room door for various "services".
will221996 t1_is459jt wrote
Everyone has seen those flyers. Prostitution is very prevalent, but it's not "huge sex slavery".
There are "China experts" everywhere you look. The qualification required to be one on Reddit or in a social circle is very low.
soldforaspaceship t1_is3a2ot wrote
Yeah. I lived there for over a decade. Was interesting seeing the shift.
Girugamesshu t1_is2duks wrote
To some extent unironically yes, ironically.
(It's not like they've actually gone anti-abortion, but they did realize that the policy was too successful and that their society, like ours, is basically based on a generational pyramid scheme, and have been trying to encourage there being a few more children these days.)
SitInCorner_Yo2 t1_is37axx wrote
Actually,because they fucked up their population structure so badly from one-child policy ,now they are pushing for people to have 2or 3 children,even block divorce in some of most outrageous cases,like husband literally went to kill domestic violence victims (mother and child) after judge rule they need to “calm down and think of the children “.
They don’t give a shit about life,human population are livestock to that gov.
Nivekian13 t1_is3rjc6 wrote
You folks need to be specific WHY China has a sudden Population stagnation.
They kept the male babies. Now they'll have no women to couple with.
SitInCorner_Yo2 t1_is3sjxv wrote
They keep male baby and kill/throw away so many girls to a absurd extent that some of these baby girl who survive and got adopted by foreigner became fucking Olympic medal winner , Statistically this sounds ridiculous and insane ,but also knowing these girls will never get a chance like that in life if their family keeps them ,they probably won’t even have a basic education (family will forced daughter to get married or work early to earn money to support her brother).
If we’re going to dig deeper about all these,this will be a very depressing story and it will takes years to cover the basic,last generation only keeping boy also created a huge human trafficking problem too.
Nivekian13 t1_is3taw5 wrote
Yup, generations of women that China will never have. All those adopted to foreign countries, are citizens of those countries now, no roots to China.
Their loss, they were warned. Decades ago when they started this.
lygerzero0zero t1_is4qu1p wrote
“Their loss” meaning whose? The average people who just wanted to have a family, or the authoritarian government that forced such a ridiculous policy on them?
Nivekian13 t1_is5a731 wrote
The people that didn’t rise up 30 years ago and make sure their government heard them loud and clear. This is what happens when you have decades of submission to bad public policy. It literally destroys the country, and leads to things like human trafficking/ sex slavery of women from other countries to “fill the gap”
lygerzero0zero t1_is5d3aq wrote
Oh so it’s that easy then? You wanna say that about every oppressive regime in history? It’s the people’s fault, they should have just risen up?
Good luck with that line of logic.
Nivekian13 t1_is5ddco wrote
Yeah it is that easy, especially when the population dwarfs any military response they can come up with. People have said this about China for decades it’s a Sleeping Giant as long as the people do not rise against the government. The day that happens it will be fast, and the world will be knocked off its feet that China finally collected itself to expel failed leaders.
lygerzero0zero t1_is5do4m wrote
So Putin is the Russian people’s fault, you’re saying. Blame the Italians for not ousting Mussolini. Okay got it.
Nivekian13 t1_is5ec13 wrote
Also you may want to read up on what happened to Mussolini, and your attempt to mock me mentioning his name. Especially given what happened to him and how he ended up dead, laying in a ditch, smelling like piss from passers by.
Nivekian13 t1_is5e4xy wrote
You are almost there, keep thinking this through, eventually you will get it. Welcome to the world of Geo politics, where bad leaders can’t lead a country they cannot control.
Wiley_Applebottom t1_is529mo wrote
I mean, not instituting reasonable population controls is going to be all of our loss.
Nivekian13 t1_is5b4ax wrote
Not if it’s bad policy like with China instituted with this one child policy. We are talking decades of damage to their culture and population, because some communist party Chump decided that this would make things more efficient and give them more men for an army. It’s like they have an army with a lot of people at it, but what are they trained for? China would find out power numbers doesn’t mean squat if most of them are scared to death to fire a rifle at somebody. Russia is learning that now with their “alpha male” conscripts who drive tanks over obvious mines.
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