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yungchow t1_it5cysp wrote

Ok but homeless people may be forced to become roommates with another random homeless person just to be able to get a place


Zedd2087 t1_it5ei0p wrote

The title doesn't say "Homeless look for roommates to afford housing."


yungchow t1_it5h737 wrote

Pushing absolutely works to convey that message


KlayKlaster t1_it5naoo wrote

if they were already homeless then its not the high rent pushing them to pair up, because they were already homeless. If they were not already homeless and are being forced to find roommates, then its not homeless people pairing up, its poor people. Either way title is not logical


consumedinner t1_it6aru7 wrote

this is what regular people are having to do anyways


thehawkman22 t1_it6r7d1 wrote

Yeah, I mean the title doesn’t make sense but the concept has been around forever. Up until I got married I had roommates and half the time they were random people responding to a Craigslist post. I got lucky though. All my roommates turned out to be good people.


AftyOfTheUK t1_it8icm5 wrote

>Ok but homeless people may be forced to become roommates with another random homeless person just to be able to get a place

I spent my entire life from 21 to 41 years old living with other people, and sharing a house.

Being "forced" to share a house with someone is not a problem and shouldn't be treated as one.


HighFromOly t1_it6t1tl wrote

Isn’t that most Americans before age 35?

I pretty much always had roommates. A couple were kinda random work people when I just needed a roommate.


yungchow t1_it720cu wrote

No most people are not forced to get a roommate who is that sketchy


AJSopranosEyebrows t1_it73qq0 wrote

It is super common to have random strangers from Craigslist as roommates in American cities. I live in Boston and if you're single and apartment hunting, Craigslist and friends-of-friends-of-friends are the only way to get into a place .


versebadger1 t1_it9mrf6 wrote

Most people don't get much stuff bought for them, and most people therefore can't afford a whole apartment by themselves until they get a well into a well paying career.

If you live in a haystack or have rich parents that might be different, but that makes you an outlier.