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NthngToSeeHere t1_iu5im9i wrote

They used to? Coulda fooled me.

Especially once they were more worried about vaxing than filling scripts.

And covid testing.


HobbitFoot t1_iu5lf5s wrote

That is probably a good idea. Not thinking of it too hard, people might think higher number is better. However, there may be reasons that there is variance across staff, like complications with the prescription or patient.


Gafnaal t1_iu5lven wrote

The worrying thing is they’ve decided it’s cheaper to pay lawsuits for injured or killed patients than it is to adequately staff pharmacies. It’s also cheaper to pay fines -CVS Walgreens agree


cramduck t1_iu5m07e wrote

hopefully they can cut down on turnover and get some more staff. it's crazy how long the pharmacy waits are.


Galanza t1_iu5m97e wrote

Retail pharmacy is not appreciated considering how hard we work as a whole.


Almainyny t1_iu5mc15 wrote

Plus the incentive to go faster may mean the pharmacist might make mistakes. Mistakes are the last thing you want to have happen when a patient’s health is on the line. Period.


DarthDregan t1_iu5pylb wrote

Old people handle that aspect for them.


Ryimax t1_iu5xdpg wrote

... do you know how computers work?

It would require checks notes the same amount of processing power as like a low end computer tops. They landed on the moon with a calculator, I think a phone can read some lists


Dhen3ry t1_iu5zlqo wrote

You will instead be judged by how many credit card signups you get, I presume


Dhen3ry t1_iu5zxwd wrote

That is by design. If an employee has half a second to catch their breath, that's waste. They want to ensure there is always more work to be done than can possibly be done. Not just in that industry either. Employees are always a cost to be cut, not a service to customers to improve their experience. (Same logic applies to "Your call is very important to us." If it was that important, they would hire enough people to answer the calls in a timely manner)


DertyCajun t1_iu66727 wrote

Don't worry. Walgreens has a plan for that. They immediately turn it over to an insurance company to fight for them. The insurance company will quickly tell you that taking the wrong or too much of a medication for a week isn't a big deal. Problem solved.


GuetschMan t1_iu672nf wrote

Sure they could. Would need diplomas from accredited schools, licensure in whatever states they are remotely working in. Maybe someday, would take a long time to change probably.


seriousbangs t1_iu679o4 wrote

I guess that's a good thing, but how about forcing them to fill prescriptions for birth control & abortion pills?

If you have a moral problem with the job, quit. The people doing this would be the first to tell me that if I refused to, say, sell guns to Republicans.


Donebrach t1_iu6gjtv wrote

No wonder going there takes FOREVER.


Ande64 t1_iu6gwq7 wrote

When I was a nursing supervisor in a hospital we had a pharmacist who was tremendously socially awkward but was brilliant. He had to deal with the public frequently, unfortunately for him I think, but I tell you if I ever had to have a med made or a bag mixed or anything else I would want that guy to do it. He was methodical and careful and probably took twice as long as everybody else and I doubt he ever killed anyone.


bossy909 t1_iu6j7kk wrote

...And they can still refuse service based on their stupid religious beliefs


colin8651 t1_iu6jx7u wrote

I feel bad for Walgreen/CVS pharmacist. Pharmacist don’t just count pills and put them in the bottle. In a hospital setting they tell the doctor how to deliver treatment on difficult cases because the pharmacist knows more about chemistry than the doctor.

In CVS it’s explaining that the doctor didn’t call in the script yet


shinobipopcorn t1_iu6kard wrote

Your headache pill bad for fetuses. You can grow fetuses. Therefore you can't have headache pill. Problem solved by good computer. What, complaint? Computer no take complaint, appeal to bean counter, receive reply in six months.

With headache. Hope you don't take that drug for epilepsy like some do!


FrodoFraggins t1_iu6kr1d wrote

They used to be my go to pharmacy but then all of the good employees bailed.


SirThatsCuba t1_iu6lo8c wrote

Oh good so the Walgreens near me that always has a two hour line just to tell you you need to wait two hours for them to fill the Rx you just got a text that it was already filled, they won't be judged on that metric.


rocketman_67 t1_iu6x7az wrote

I worked at as a pharmacy tech at a Walgreens for a couple years and I am glad that they are now not worried about speed. Patient Care is of utmost importance in that field


apoliticalinactivist t1_iu70f0k wrote

This is why you dont hire biz consultants to actually manage your company, only to advise. Making decisions like 90% faster saving $X and only costing $Y in lawsuits!

Sometimes you get objectively malicious/idiotic metrics too, like Bush #2 evaluating teachers based on year over year improvement in pass rate. Only problem is that students change every year and excellent teachers have no where to go but down...


Ryimax t1_iu72xwi wrote

False flags or missed flags would not occur if it follows whatever rules doctors do. A doctor doesn't have to determine if it's a stoplight or stop sign. The determination for whether or not medications conflict is a set of variables that are few enough to be programmed with as much relative ease as any other program


Ryimax t1_iu73ccn wrote

A human could determine if you're pregnant or not the same way they already do, and the machine could just have access to it. If it's something you're not supposed to take If you can get pregnant, then a human doctor shouldn't give you it either.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_iu73d8j wrote

Walgreens already takes forever guess they want to be worse.


LoverboyQQ t1_iu74ah4 wrote

Walgreens and the DMV where time goes to die


Internet_Ugly t1_iu76e3f wrote

If a pharmacist is good, they both have to explain to the patient that it isn’t in yet, and have time to speak to a doctor about proper alternatives that won’t kill the patient due to a drug interaction. But when I was at Walgreens, you didn’t have time to breathe much less call a doctor to explain failing a proper titration schedule on a medication can cause kidney failure, mind blips, extreme narcolepsy, or rash.


Djrook44 t1_iu79mgs wrote

You are right. But judge them to fuck if they give u heart meds when ur there for anxiety meds. Sue trust


zoinkability t1_iu7eato wrote

They will still pay them less, they just won’t think worse of them


mathaiser t1_iu7ebft wrote

Why is the pharmacy always so slow though.


lago_b t1_iu7fc7q wrote

Oh so that's why it tool me 45 minutes to get a vaccination there the other day and the workers didn't seem to be in a rush at all?!


lennybriscoforthewin t1_iu7gyw5 wrote

I was in Walgreens the other day and a lady came back in because they gave her the wrong prescription! Thank goodness she noticed. I recently transferred my prescription to this Walgreens and it was for 30 pills, they gave me like 90. The pharmacist also was holding a phone to each ear, talking to the lady who got the wrong prescription, and the line was so long. There were about 4 employees but they were stretched so thin. I felt so badly for them.


DeDend21 t1_iu7kgzs wrote

Having dated a pharmacist this is certainly good news for some of them.


mikehamm45 t1_iu7lzkm wrote

I was a Walgreens pharmacist

There were days which I could not honestly confirm the safety of scripts that went through my hands

The countless errors that I found, always made me think for every one I found, how many did I miss

It’s not a safe work environment, I would not recommend chain pharmacies


mikehamm45 t1_iu7m6tv wrote

Its not the making of a mistake you should be worried about, that doesn’t happen often… it’s not finding the mistakes that should worry you.

A pharmacist’s chief role is to find the mistakes, prevent the errors from getting do you.

If doctors where perfect, it wouldn’t be necessary to have a pharmacist.


Wendell-at2020 t1_iu7py9k wrote

I would be happy if the staff would just dispense meds and keep their fantasy beliefs to themselves


CuteCatBoy69 t1_iu7sa3j wrote

Drug interactions have been automatically checked by pharmacy software since like the 90s. Pill counting machines have also existed. The trouble with automating a pharmacy technician's job is how dynamic it is. Pharmacy techs do like 20 different things all throughout the day to keep the pharmacy going. Putting pills into bottles is just one part of the equation, and even that's not always cut and dry.

It'll be a good few decades before pharmacy techs start getting replaced I'd wager. Pharmacists are probably in the same boat. In a retail setting anyway. You could definitely run a mail order pharmacy without techs, assuming you had people to maintain the machines and stock the pills.


Egrizzzzz t1_iu7t2jg wrote

Honestly they’re probably doing away with this metric because pharmacies are so understaffed time based metrics became meaningless. I’m sure they’ll find some other stick to bludgeon measure employees with.

We aren’t slow because we derive sick joy from patients being nasty with us. If a pharmacy is “always slow” it is because we are understaffed. Usually by one to two full time technicians. If they actually want to speed things up they need to pay more to attract employees and actually invest in training more technicians.


FirebirdWriter t1_iu7t398 wrote

I left them as a client when they tried to convince me the bottle of "pain meds" was actually that. I have taken my same dose for over ten years. These were yellow and twice the size. So I pulled out the print out because this was pre smart phones and showed them the medicine that was in the bottle and what I found on a medication database I had access to as I was a medical student. They were heart meds that would have killed me at the dosage because it was the maximum and I did not need them. They didn't apologize and tried to get out of refunding my copay and returning the script. I actually had to call the cops. Got my meds at a smaller pharmacy next door that they eventually ran out of business but that was the third time they had messed up that way.


CuteCatBoy69 t1_iu7te23 wrote

People who get "the wrong prescription" 99% of the time are just dipshits who don't know what pills they take and put in refill requests for the wrong ones. They're still prescribed those meds, they just don't actually want them for whatever reason. Very different scenario than giving someone meds they weren't prescribed.

And yes, it's standard practice to fill for 90 days instead of 30 when the prescription and insurance both allow it. That's fully intentional and not a mistake.

Gotta understand when you hear things from outside the pharmacy or read threads like these, a huge portion of retail pharmacy patients are dumb as bricks and often cause problems for themselves because they don't have the faintest clue about anything involving their own healthcare or how the healthcare system operates. And of course they'll try and somehow twist their own mistakes around to be the pharmacy's mistake, because they're incapable of being accountable for themselves. Working in a pharmacy is honestly fucking awful just because of how incredibly stupid the people you have to deal with are. They're the types of people to piss straight into a jet engine's backdraft after you tell them not to and then scream at you because they got wet.


CuteCatBoy69 t1_iu7thxm wrote

Only some staff members are certified to give vaccinations. And yeah, vaccines are low priority. Go to the fucking health department, pharmacies are for prescriptions, stop treating them like walk-in clinics.


CuteCatBoy69 t1_iu7tn5d wrote

Because they're not emergency care facilities and have to fill hundreds of prescriptions per day as well as deal with insurance issues, idiotic doctors, moronic customers, give vaccines, and run Covid tests. If you want a drug refilled then why not use some common sense and call in advance to have it filled? If you've got a new script to drop off then yeah you're gonna be waiting because clearly you're not in imminent need otherwise you'd still be at the hospital. Put on your big boy pants and suck it up, nobody gives a shit.


GetlostMaps t1_iu7ye4m wrote

This is overdue. In an industry where making an error may kill someone, I expect their insurer encouraged them to do this, and it's well overdue. By about 20 years.


JamJatJar t1_iu7zu4g wrote

Hey, at least I didn't die when they dispensed 90x 10mg methadone with instructions to take 1 tablet 3x per day instead of the 90x 5mg methadone the prescription actually said to dispense. I may have WANTED to die 2 days after I filled my next month's Rx and they gave me the 5mg tablets again. But hey, in still here to type this so that floater pharmacist who was in because they refitted to pay for enough people to staff the store didn't do anything wrong, right?


mxlun t1_iu7zu4h wrote

**will screen potential employees work speeds and hire based off of this in the first place


5kyl3r t1_iu81xd9 wrote

they lost A LOT of business i think since the beginning of this year. my local walgreens had a period of time months ago when the line was huge and it was impossible to get through the pharmacy window without sitting in the parking lot for over an hour. calls never went through. it was hell when i was needing to renew. their website on google maps had pages of one star reviews (now including mine), and even the ones near it. switched to csv and haven't looked back. they always seem short staffed and their staff always looked overworked

edit: oh and they emailed me (they being CEO, allegedly) saying something like "we get it, we hold ourselves to high standards and we currently are missing the mark, blah blah". too late


AlHuntar t1_iu83ssn wrote

Insurance is capitalisms natural progression. Not saying there shouldn't just be stuff like healthcare for all. But mediocre costing care, for high monthly rates, and the ability to legally drain your opponent in court when they will never have the resources to fight you sounds like easy profit. Why wouldn't insurance be as scummy as it is.


shashinqua t1_iu8bypu wrote

Where do you live that p harm acists sell guns? I think your lying. Yet more Russian misinformation? I know they brag about the harm part of their names, but they shoved pills down our throats, not bullets as you claim.


MuperSario-AU t1_iu8d5l2 wrote

> Where do you live that p harm acists sell guns?

They never specified that a pharmacy was the one selling them, dumbass. It's a rhetorical statement about moral issues with your current state of employment.


Xalynden t1_iu8fok8 wrote

Ooh story time from just this morning. I needed to get a vaccination for my daughter so she could keep going to school. Checked the hours on Walgreens website and saw that they opened at 8am (including the pharmacy) and got down there at about 8:15. Walked back to the pharmacy and waited at the counter for someone to greet me and when someone came over this is the convo that we had.

Employee: Yeah I think we have one dose of that left but we normally don't do vaccinations this early. (This info was not on the website at all)

Employee 2 comes over: Yeah we're real busy putting away truck and we don 't normally start those till 9:30am. Can you come back at 2:30pm?

Me: I really need to be getting her to school. Could I come back at 9:30?

Employee 2: *Hems and haws for a moment* Okay fine we can go ahead and do it. *walks away goes back to furiously putting away the truck*

After that it took less than 5 minutes to do paperwork and pay for it. Sat and waited for 15 minutes while they continued putting away the truck. When they finally got to us (there were no other customers) the vaccination itself only took about 2 minutes.


spoonsmeller t1_iu8lr1t wrote

I used to work for a large UK telecoms company. When our department (technical support) was formed we were told that time targets were not important and to try to resolve issues on first call. We won every customer service industry awards for the first two years. The management changed and more and more targets were Introduced and lo and behold the awards stopped. The biggest problem with these kind of metrics is that without seeing the bigger picture, those who most often hit these targets are promoted in the organisation, thus perpetuating the number centric mindset. I once lost my bonus for a month because on one call I only used the customer's name twice.


Vormi23 t1_iu8soo6 wrote

Yet they push that survey count onto employees demanding so many perfect surveys a week/month. Overworked staff are incentivized to quickly go through the line, not provide good service.


rscottyb86 t1_iu8xjce wrote we can wait even longer to get out prescription filled....


cramduck t1_iu9mbjf wrote

I meant an hour or two just waiting to pick up the script they took 2 days to fill. Granted, it's usually because there's only one person working the counter, and the three people in front of me are apparently using a pharmacy for the first time in their lives..