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grootdoos1 t1_iuaub8a wrote

What this moron doesn't understand is that one they are done with the Jews they will come for the blacks and there is no way around the fact that no matter what he says he will always be black.


mahabraja t1_iuaygxr wrote

There are about 15 million jews on earth. He doesn't realize what a substantial minority that is. I don't think he understands very much to be honest.


etorres4u t1_iubci5a wrote

They already go after blacks and latinos. Unfortunately this society tolerates it to a certain degree. Hell publicly being a white nationalist who hates blacks and latinos is what git Donald Trump elected president and is the reason why the Republican base loves him to this day. White nationalism and racism are pretty much a prerequisite to be elected in the Republican primaries today.


canhasdiy t1_iudaq9d wrote

Question: was Donald Trump a white nationalist when he was registered as a Democrat from 1999 to 2015?


etorres4u t1_iuf2s4t wrote

What makes you think many Democrats aren’t racist? You right wingers love to assume a lot of shit about democrats that is wrong and ignorant. There many racist fucks who happen to be democrats for other reasons. Did you even know there are democrats who are pro life conservatives? Senator Joe Manchin is an example. In fact before the civil rights democrats were considered the conservative southern party who supported racist dogma and Republicans were considered the “liberal” party.

The only difference here is that Republicans as a party support candidates who openly believe in white nationalism, christian theocracy and actively push policies that actively seek to disenfranchise and harm minorities.

As for Trump, there is a lot of DOCUMENTED evidence of the man’s racism that go back to the 70’s and 80’s. The real estate company he and his father owned back in the 70’s was found guilty of malicious racial discriminating against black people back in 1973. Add to that the many, many racist documented comments the man has made over the decades, including the ones made about the infamous “central park five” rape case in the mid 80’s.

The fact that so many right wingers assume so much based only on labels instead of their actions is downright ignorant.


finegameofnil_ t1_iublduk wrote

My god... Ok, gotta ask, who is the "they"? Where do the whites fit on this list?


grootdoos1 t1_iubuhvq wrote

Really? I have to explain that to you.


canhasdiy t1_iudai85 wrote

That is generally what's expected when someone asks for clarifying a vague term like "They," so yes.


grootdoos1 t1_iudpebd wrote

So you may not know this but if someone tells you a racist joke that may be offensive, the best way to address the situation is it ask them to explain the joke thereby making them realize how racist the joke is. So kind of the same thing. If I need to explain who the "they" maybe you should keep scanning reddit.


canhasdiy t1_iudsxq3 wrote

So you're being racist?

So you may not know this but when someone makes a claim and someone else asks for proof or clarification, the onus of responsibility is generally considered to be on the person making the claim, as there's no reason to believe said claim without evidence, and saying stupid shit like "look it up yourself" just tells the world that you're talking out of your ass.


grootdoos1 t1_iudtkl1 wrote

Yeah I pretty much saying you can't argue with stupid.


big_juice01 t1_iuay0uh wrote

He’s considered black in the same way Candace Owens is considered black.


grootdoos1 t1_iuayawu wrote

When the racists show up they don't care who you are they just will see another black person.


big_juice01 t1_iuaz8xe wrote

No one can hate them more than they already hate themselves.