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LimeMime565 t1_iubdg5r wrote

Regardless of him being a bad person he definitely has some mental issues like bipolar disorder. Just being a bad person doesn't mean you suddenly don't have a mental health disorder.


countryyoga t1_iube74p wrote

Great, but I also have bipolar disorder and I'm not a bigot or a mean person. Mental health issues DO NOT give people the right to be assholes. Mental health issues certainly can make it easy to be an asshole, but if anything it puts a greater responsibility on them to keep themselves in check.


Dark_Styx t1_iubfk4p wrote

An explanation is not an excuse, even if it often sounds like one.


Willingo t1_iubpcvh wrote

He's not at fault for his disorder, but he is responsible to have it treated. If he were poor you might excuse not being treated, but he clearly had the means.