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Rosebunse t1_iupdtzv wrote

Having been to a large college, this would be pretty damn easy to do. Many schools have areas where anyone can, in theory, just sit down and sleep, there are 24/7 libraries and places to hide away.

All you need is a bookbag and the right clothes.


LorenzoStomp t1_iuprj8p wrote

I work in homeless outreach. We've met with students and "students" who were doing exactly that


pentatomid_fan t1_iuq67a5 wrote

I work at a university and this is my backup plan should things not work out and why I never returned my keys from when I was a grad student.


Persianx6 t1_iuq8wdg wrote

When I was at UCSC, they kicked out a freshman in my year who lived in the library for months. Everyone in the dorms knew him. This was a decade plus ago.


Furlz t1_iuqcigu wrote

Dude McHenry is massive I could totally see this happening


HAI_LISTEN t1_iuqzpa0 wrote

Also being open 24 hrs a day helps


Furlz t1_iusf5to wrote

They lock the doors pretty early though. I'm not sure it's 24/7


HAI_LISTEN t1_iusi8fb wrote

Oh really? It has been a bit since I was there. Was that only for dead week or something then maybe?


Rosebunse t1_iuqsqxv wrote

When I was in school, we had a guy come for a party in my dorm and just not leave for a week. What got him was that he also didn't leave the floor. He would just go from person to person until he got kicked out.


jonner13 t1_iuqns3d wrote

Too bad McHenry closes at like 12am now 😒


Aidentified t1_iuqt0hj wrote

How else will the homeless get a good night's rest?


Infynis t1_ius25wh wrote

I knew a guy that got kicked out for dealing drugs, and lived in one of the balconies of the theater until they arrested him for real


Cetun t1_iurapoe wrote

The two socially acceptable places you can sleep in public are colleges and airports.


Coogcheese t1_iusi2yz wrote

Shit, I knew someone at University of Houston that lived for almost a whole school year in an unused dorm room. Just moved in after hanging with a friend and they realized it was unused. Started with just a night crashing and then a week later it was their room. RA never gave a damn I guess.

Just remembered another who did something similar for a few months but had to hide it from the RA. Would sneak in and never turn the lights on and be as quite as she could.


4atwork t1_iurogf0 wrote

The problem is that college towns tend to have a high cost of living even if you take the housing expenses out of the equation.


PullMyFinger4Fun t1_iuupt7k wrote

Plus a locker in some common area with a padlock. I think one could really pull off a decent homeless lifestyle at a large college. Summers would be sort of risky though.


Rosebunse t1_iuuqr8f wrote

That's easy: just go into town and go to a homeless shelter. Tell them you're enrolled in the college but are homeless in summer. It is a surprisingly common problem.


DanniTheStreet t1_ixnqgej wrote

Homeless shelters generally range from unhelpful to outright dangerous.


DanniTheStreet t1_ixnqb9c wrote

As someone not going to college (for now, anyway) I do this frequently. I feel like college campuses are the only place in the US where you can simply exist without being expected to pay money.