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ash_274 t1_iutuha2 wrote

Belarus is the Soviet cosplay of eastern Europe. When the USSR collapsed and broke up Russia changed it to FSB, but Belarus decided it wasn't worth changing the stationary and business cards and kept the KGB name.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_iuu92p3 wrote

>but Belarus decided it wasn't worth changing the stationary and business cards and kept the KGB name.

LOL. I respect that sort of pragmatism. I still have 500 business cards from an old job.

Belarus KGB Leader: "Comrades, we have no independence from old rulers, same as new rulers, so, why should we go through any effort to put lipstick on pig."

Crowd: "Hooray!"

Belarus KGB Leader: "Simmer down now. I expected far less energy and applause. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint -- save some of that for next year's company potato sack race."