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Rosebunse t1_iveoyyo wrote

I know people who have the viewing, where you see the embalmed body, then after that they take the body to be cremated.

In the US, cremation is definitely more popular, but I guess my problem is just what to do with the body afterwards. I don't really want the cremated remains in my home, partially because I am superstitious.


w0mbatina t1_ivep8z7 wrote

You dont need to keep the urn at home? We just bury it like you would a coffin, except the hole needs to be much smaller. Or you can scatter the ashes in a cool location or whatever.


Rosebunse t1_ivepezg wrote

Most people scatter the ashes. Some people get the big decorative urns and do keep them at home. Fuck, lots of people can't afford an urn and just keep them in the box they came in, which is my worst fear.

Burying the urn, for many people here, defeats the purpose.