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hypatiatextprotocol t1_iwxs4ol wrote

Oh, I get it: the two wrestlers are competing together as a team.


SoulsTransition t1_iwxsw6j wrote

I do not like wwe style wrestling. I would 100% support this as an Olympic sport. Wrestlers never get the credit of the absolutely insane intensity, complexity, care, and stamina it takes to pit on a show like that!


FleetAdmiralPopcorn t1_iwxt8do wrote

Hope you have the money to make the IOC look the other way on all the doping.


Akanan t1_iwxwpcw wrote

Can somebody tell him they do drug test at the Olympic.


ApexSimon t1_iwxx29p wrote

I dont know. Maybe keep em, and that's the judging. You have the defeat storyline, and the victor storyline. Only the wrestlers know which, and they improv it. Youll have dramatic comebacks, close calls, people fake dying.. this sounds amazing.


GetlostMaps t1_iwxyvhs wrote

This is entirely legit. If synchronised swimming is a sport, so is this.


Dye_Harder t1_iwxz33a wrote

Oh so that's what his wife was doing at the capital jan 6th..


LittleShrub t1_iwy0bfi wrote

Wrestling is an Olympic sport though.


DirtStarWars t1_iwy113j wrote

Maybe he should learn that it is the International Olympic Committee first.


habajaba69 t1_iwy187y wrote

Better than synchronized swimming.


sg3niner t1_iwy1ro0 wrote

I've been saying this for years.

I mean, fucking Dressage is an Olympic "sport"

Why shouldn't this be.


Top_Shoe_9562 t1_iwy6y7l wrote

Might as well label Fox News as news then.


Terror_Raisin24 t1_iwy7oxc wrote

How do you define 'sport'? You have to be physically fit, you have to practice the moves for years. You don't have to like wrestling to recognize this. Wrestling has the show-part, so it isn't "just" sports, but also show, but it doesn't loose the sports-part because of the addition of entertainment. If you look at figure skating, they also wear specific clothing, use music and tell a story in their performance. If you see ice skating couples in a romantic dance performance, you know they are not really in love. There's a lot of "show" aspects in all sports.


ryobiguy t1_iwyadtj wrote

One definition of a sport is: "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."

How does wrestling fall short of that definition?


skaliton t1_iwyc746 wrote

>competes against another or others

I'm going to say right here. They aren't there competing to be the best. You'd end up having to treat it like any other 'entertainment' sport. You'd have to strip out most of the moves (because they are too dangerous) and really think of objective criteria to decide what the 'best' suplex is


Beyond that there is another glaring problem: The Olympics generally focus on sports that people around the world tend to play. Outside of rednecks and teenagers in the US the only other place it is 'big' uses a VERY different set of rules


hypatiatextprotocol t1_iwyerow wrote

Bernard Suits, philosopher of games and gaming, defined sport as "the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles."

I think the definition we really lack is, "What makes an Olympic sport?"


fte5838 t1_iwygmz5 wrote

Wrestling has already argued in court that it's not a sport.


Meanderingversion t1_iwyhqef wrote

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hiricinee t1_iwyii0k wrote

I like it, the problem with Jericho's premise is that all of the aesthetic sports can usually be simplified into a few "moves" that get scored. As much fun as it is seeing a perfectly executed dropkick, powerbomb, clothesline, etc, theres waaaaay too much variety for it to get in there.

Also consider this-- it is about as rare to be a WWE champ as it is to be an olympic gold medalist. With a few exceptions the title is given to exceptional performers who are highly competitive to work their way up the rankings, and even the exceptions tend to be highly talented in their own right.


Modnal t1_iwyjkw5 wrote

I rather have chess boxing in the Olympics than pro wrestling


SapientSausage t1_iwykes8 wrote

Please correct me... But it's all planned out. Pro wrestling doesn't have competition except for popularity through being famous and infamous. It has choreography like some sports-- but there isn't a single true physical competition between pro wrestlers


thegreatdelusionist t1_iwykkfv wrote

Honestly, would make the Olympics 1000% better. Although they're "competing", the escalation of complexity and difficulty of moves would make them jaw-dropping. Kinda like comparing old gymnast videos to current champions when the Soviets started showing off. And we could actually have real Iron Sheiks from Saudi Arabia. Real sumo wrestlers from Japan, and whatever planet Gold Dust came from.


Enzown t1_iwylzy1 wrote

It would only be "basically the same" if all of the athletes were told beforehand who would win the medals and then they competed in way to ensure that pre-determined outcome took place.


hiricinee t1_iwymxv3 wrote

Right but now it gets INCREDIBLY subjective. Not that the aesthetic events aren't subjective at all, but usually its a series of moves that are scored based on execution and landing. You're going to score a guy based on how nuts he can make the crowd go?

Itd be pointless anyways. They already have the subjective scoring system, its the ratings for their programming. Is the IOC going to have a panel for scoring pro wrestling promos?

By the way, I'm a MASSIVE pro wrestling fan, but olympic pro would have to be so watered down it would be boring as hell. How long can the matches be? What moves are legal? Whats the degree of difficulty on the moves? Often the most technically difficult wrestling moves aren't the most impressive. Is every match going to boil down to a 110 lb guy doing a shooting star press?


GetlostMaps t1_iwyo5yc wrote

Maybe you're missing how this would work. It's a pairs event. Both of them are competing together. It doesn't matter who "wins" the wrestling - the two of them are the one competitor. Like a synchronised swimming team.


buckyhermit t1_iwyp121 wrote

Not sure if it's fair comparison, because you don't do profanity-laden promos in figure skating or gymnastics.

Although that would be entertaining as hell to see.

"You jabronis and your triple-axles have nothing AND THE ROCK MEANS NOTHING on the People's choreography. And now you can take that skate, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy a– [transmission cuts out]"


stu8018 t1_iwyprui wrote

Well those events don't have predetermined winners following a script so there's that.


DiabeticUnicorns t1_iwyt43z wrote

I’m sure they would make some kind of pair routine, where your routine is compared to other pair’s routines. It also really wouldn’t be that different from Floor Exercise, a competition that is in fact at the Olympics, and is basically a combination gymnastic display and dance routine.


SayNoToStim t1_iwywnad wrote

This is the dumbest idea I've ever heard that I completely agree with.


coyote-1 t1_iwywqjk wrote

The “two people“ bit is the problem. Without Fred Blassy or Lou Albano or the Grand Wizard, it just isn’t pro wrestling


GimmickInfringement1 t1_iwz13d0 wrote

I think a good idea for that concept would be that instead of doing pinfalls and submissions, the contest is put to a time limit and based off a score. Submissions wouldn't end the match, but if you pick one up it would be a huge amount of points and a scored rest period for the team that earns it.


londoncatvet t1_iwz17s5 wrote

I think this is actually a better argument for excluding Olympic sports where judging determines the outcome. A form of reductio ad absurdum. Subjectivity doesn't belong in sports.


Meadmanmike t1_iwz4dk7 wrote

I don't think that the good name of professional wrestling needs to be sullied with the taint of the Olympics.


Skripka t1_iwz5iyp wrote

In real life it really doesn’t. It looks fake as fuck outside of the preselected camera filming positions. I’ve had to work a couple WWE shows and I had to resist laughing for how fake it looked and how seriously the crowd took it.


ArrestDeathSantis t1_iwz6r05 wrote

>but usually its a series of moves that are scored based on execution and landing. You're going to score a guy based on how nuts he can make the crowd go?

I'm not even a fan of wrestling but it seems to me that you could just rate the wrestlers on their moves in very much the same way figure skaters are, with some relatively minor adaptations.

I could see wrestlers coming with a choreography, pen it down for the judges then execute it in front of them while the judges note things like air time, form on landings and the credibility of the hits.


slappy47 t1_iwz7oex wrote

Breakdancing is a sport though. Breakdancing has its own competitions since the early 90s late 80s. Judges and all. The 2 big ones are battle of the year and redbull. Thats why its going to be an easy transition in the olympics. Theres already established competitive rules and judging in place.


slappy47 t1_iwzcnka wrote

But it is. Two people or two teams trying to one up each other using physical and athletic ability. Sounds like you just dont want to accept as such.


Meadmanmike t1_iwzkfgz wrote

No one is arguing that it's a sport, that's just something you're hung up about (though it would be the only sports entertainment). However sports aren't the only competitive events at the Olympics. Professional wrestling would be a performance like rings, floor routines, ribbon routines, sychronized swimming, figure skating, etc.. Also, the Olympics has an event where rich people dance around on their horses, so it isn't like we should take the Olympics super seriously anyway.


Meadmanmike t1_iwzkody wrote

If it's a sport to jump over a bar with a stick, then it's a sport when you jump off a ladder and moonsault another person's body through a table.


slappy47 t1_iwznbxp wrote

Its a sport. Its two people or teams COMPETING. Not just dancing, but actual competition. Just admit that you cant accept it cause you dont know jack shit about it.


1337ingDisorder t1_iwzvoef wrote

The Olympics already has an event called "Wrestling" so this would have to be added with a more specific name, like "Performative Wrestling"

I think they should do it, but also add Performative versions of all the other events they already have.

Performative Javelin, for example, and Performative Hockey could be especially entertaining.


stu8018 t1_iwzyjv5 wrote

They are judged by professionals and scored. Pro wresting is a show with script and a "winner". It's acting and NOT a competition. Acting will never be sport and has no place in sport. It's a show, not a competition so there's THAT.


Meadmanmike t1_ix03vqo wrote

If it were only acting you'd have a point. And if it were an Olympic event it would be judged by Olympic judges based on metrics set by a committee. Acting can also be a competition, mind you. Auditions for example. Other non sporting events can also be competitions; Video games, dancing, music, etc.. You really aren't making any salient arguments here.

Seems like you're just having fun being a hater.


stu8018 t1_ix0fifs wrote

You are ignoring salient arguments here and speaking in hypotheticals. Pro wrestling is a show riddled with illegal anabolic steroids and GH. It is not a sport. It is a spectacle at every level with no legitimate sanctioning sports entity. The winners, belts, titles and everything else is nothing but a show. You fail to accept this and make false equivalencies to make a point littered with logical fallacies. I've been a pro wrestling fan since 1975. I promise I know much more on this subject than you. Hater nope, realist yes. Accept it for what it is and what it is NOT.


Linktank t1_ix0ltal wrote

Let's make NASCAR an olympic sport too! YEEEHAW!!! /s


muxidigest t1_ix139ry wrote

Competitive sports are not scripted Mr. Jericho.


Kraken160th t1_ix20z8z wrote

Wrestling is already soo subjective what would the score cards look like?