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flyingcucu t1_iy9pznl wrote


smoke99999 t1_iy9q655 wrote

sure I encourage anyone to read

just not in dressed in drag with small impressionable children present

see we agree!


flyingcucu t1_iy9qfjg wrote

and there goes the bigotry and small mindedness


smoke99999 t1_iy9qouz wrote


you should really see someone about that

I see its bothering you, maybe you should seek counseling for it?

maybe one day you will be ready for the really difficult stuff


flyingcucu t1_iy9qvyt wrote

So insecure in his manhood. its almost funny


smoke99999 t1_iy9tmm5 wrote

are you assuming my gender?

see I can do this all day

and thanks for keeping me occupied for the last couple of hours it gets hard killing time


imll99 t1_iyb178k wrote

How are clothes sexual? Why don't you go back to the hick town, dead-end job, bratty kids, mangy dog, cigarette-smoking wife beater of a husband you have waiting for you off the computer in the corner of your trailer?