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sparkleyflowers t1_iy4x7j2 wrote

Granted she shouldn’t have filmed in her classroom, but I think this whole saga says more about how undervalued teachers are in this country than anything else. If teachers were paid a livable wage, they wouldn’t need to do sex work on the sly to pay their bills.


GoddessLeggyLivia t1_iy57dfo wrote

I looked her up and see that she has moved over to Fansly. I hope that she does not make the same or a similar blunder on this new platform.


DSoopy t1_iy5incn wrote

The problem is not that she had OF the problem is she did a video on a classroom, in a school full of minors.

I swear every fucking time if a creep or pervert does some fucked up shit but they are a woman everyone gets really permissive. Imagine saying that a guy masturbating and filming himself at a school and SELLING IT was the fault of low living wages. There are times when society is at fault. This is not one of those


sparkleyflowers t1_iy5k13z wrote

First if all, you need to re-read the first line of my comment. You’re arguing against a point that no one made. Secondly, she didn’t do this with children present. You’re aware that children leave the school when class isn’t in session, right?


MagnificentBastard0 t1_iy5mxoc wrote

> The problem is not that she had OF the problem is she did a video on a classroom, in a school full of minors.

There were no minors in the school when it was filmed.

“No children were harmed in the making of this video.”

However, the real problem is Puritanism - why can’t this teacher participate in the sexual economy? Why can’t anyone?

EDIT: Several responses have dealt with unprofessionalism, which is not being argued.

It’s the condemnation and overreaction that is problematic.


beebs44 t1_iy5om1p wrote

I want to see this infamous movie


SellDonutsAtMyDoor t1_iy5qxx9 wrote

I think the problem is 'why can this teacher film porn in a room used by children soon after and soon before?', and I don't think that's a bad question. I'm not sure what exactly she was doing, but the cleaners at my school didn't wipe down the tabletops half the time.

I'm all for sex work and I know people who have done sex work, but filming stuff like that in an actual classroom is surely just asking for trouble.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_iy5rf5d wrote

Did a search on her, um, only thing I can think of to describe the results is, Dear Ms Skank...


likeinsaaaaw t1_iy5t0l1 wrote

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!"

*gets second job*

"No! Not like that!"

Fucking bullshit.


XadeXal t1_iy5w7bd wrote

If a girl can masturbate in a school, then so can a guy. True gender equality. But if it was me I would rather not do it in a building for children, because that's just gross.


XadeXal t1_iy5xjnc wrote

She masturbate is a SCHOOL, everything else is irrelevant. I'd does not matter why she did it. I don't care that a teacher had an only fans. They get paid little. As soon as you bring children into a sexual situation everything else becomes irrelevant. And I doesn't matter if kids were at the school or not. School is supposed to be a safe place for children. And kids are always at school, even on weekends for sports. There is nothing you can say to excuse masturbating in a CHILDS institution.


XadeXal t1_iy5ypmb wrote

I feel absolutely disgusted. I'm getting down voted for saying it's wrong for an adult to masturbate in a school. I don't care why she did it, she should have done it at home. Stop trying to defend the actions of someone who got aroused at the idea of masturbating in a room meant for children.

Edit: Even more down votes. Masturbating in a school is the actions of a pedophile. A man masturbating in a school is a pedophile. A woman masturbating in a school is a pedophile. It doesn't matter why she masturbated in a school, it's still the actions of a pedophile. Stop trying to defend her.


MagnificentBastard0 t1_iy60yym wrote

Unprofessional, but forgivable.

If she had been using the classroom on the weekend for labeling jars of home preserves to sell, that would also have been unprofessional.

And about as harmful to the space and the children who will be back next week.

As for why, she’s (is/was) a teacher, so getting bus-ay in a classroom plays into a sexual fantasy. Which probably wouldn’t be that attractive if it wasn’t “forbidden fruit”.

So, atrocious or hot depending on your perspective. 😄


ChingaThermometer t1_iy65zfv wrote

they probably did not want to get sued by parents for hosting sexual stuff at their kids school.. Ouch


likeinsaaaaw t1_iy67lbu wrote

There weren't any kids there. I don't feel bad for her, she shouldn't have done it. But don't expect me to jump onboard the puritan hypocrisy train here. No kid saw that teacher naked, and no parent did unless they were actively looking. If twats took crimes with actual victims half as serious as this kind of silly shit we'd likely be better off.

It's bullshit.


Hopeful_1768 t1_iy68cmp wrote

there'll always be twitter to unload stuff.


ash_274 t1_iy69fp2 wrote

She can rent a studio, she can make some corner of her home look like a classroom, she can green-screen a classroom, or she can apply for a film permit like anyone else that is filming for commercial purposes is supposed to do.


AjahnAnarchy t1_iy6n3o0 wrote

The problem is that people think the imagined trauma of knowing someone fucked in your classroom(trauma really is inappropriate here) matters more than the pressure that gets a teacher to film porn in her public classroom.


LonelyGamer1337 t1_iy7332l wrote

Although it wasn't your original intention I think this guy raised a valid point. Which is the fact that if this was a guy in this story this entire reddit thread would be crucifying him and not suggesting "well that sucks he had to do sex work on the side".

I'm sure that's not a topic you wanted to entertain but I think that particular criticism was valid and also agreed that teachers probably should get paid a bit more.


ZeroAfro t1_iy7d2hi wrote

Doesn't matter if kids were in school or not. She was removed from onlyfans because ofnthat and her having a onlyfans AND filming in a classroom is a bad look on the school so they fired her.

I don't care about people doing whatever they want. The school has the right to fire her and onlyfans has the right to remove her.

Filming in the school was a dumb fucking idea and there are consequences for for her choice.

She would have been perfectly fine if she kept it hidden from students AND didn't involve the school.


JazzLobster t1_iy7o8so wrote

Since when has being underpaid been a get out of jail card for all kinds of questionable behavior? If a teacher weighing her options arrived at the conclusion that this is the most sensible way to make more money, then I'm not sure she's fit to be a teacher.


smoke99999 t1_iy8bcsj wrote

kind of a double standard don't ya think?

we have drag queens doing story time in schools

and I am not saying this was right, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the situation

but a video filmed after hours, when nobody was there is where they draw the line?

what's the point? the children are already hypersexualized and exposed to an endless stream of sexual content because if you call out anyone for doing this you become the bad person for saying maybe we shouldn't do this


rct1 t1_iy8q4dy wrote

If I own an office, and you work there for me, you can use the office to work for me. You cannot use the office to start your own company on the side and run it on the weekends.

It doesn’t matter if it’s preserves or porn, you abused your privilege to try to make money on the side using your employers resource.


flyingcucu t1_iy8vp1b wrote

How can you compare a dragqueen reading a book to a woman having sex and masturbating in a classroom? you would be upset if a guy filmed himself jerking off and jizzing on student desks but since it is a woman you dont care.


smoke99999 t1_iy8wi2p wrote

ok first off 3rd line down

it says

and I am not saying this was right, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the situation


I find it disturbing you know the content of the video, where were you last night?


I've made no statement about it being men or women, simply that the drag queen show appears in our schools. I find it disturbing no matter which team you play for. It has no place in our schools, and its still HYPOCRITICAL to allow one and not the other when NEITHER belong there!


smoke99999 t1_iy9g6gn wrote

how about

age appropriate clothing for a school class room?

we are talking about elementary age school children

I wouldn't want a man or a woman dressed in drag reading to my children

I truly don't care what you do on your time, I have repeatedly said I am not claiming any of this is right, only that its hypocritical

if that offends you well, maybe you should consider why it bothers you.

if said drag queen dressed in appropriate school clothes and not a provocative outfit designed to elicit a reaction, then let them read to the kids, with AGE APPROPRIATE material as well.

why is this difficult? children should not be forced into this discussion because they CAN BE" children should be protected and allowed to develop at a natural pace and allowed to make these kinds of decisions when they are older and better able to understand them.


smoke99999 t1_iy9gr6q wrote

where is the bigotry? I said it was hypocritical not that they should or shouldn't be allowed

perhaps you need someone to read the original comment to you

not one comment claiming that they should or should not be allowed

in fact I was saying that the teacher was getting an unfair result since the other is allowed. No sexual activity or dress belongs in a classroom that is not sex ed. Not hetero, not gay, or any other kind. I am not bigoted I believe children should be protected from the world's troubles as long as we can so they get to grow up. If later one of them decided that they were going to be something else who would I be to tell them no. You have missed my point completely


flyingcucu t1_iy9h2gz wrote

Dragqueens are not sexual. The face that you are comparing dragqueens reading books to adults having sex in a public setting where kids learn is fucking sick and bigoted.


you have no point.

Dragqueens are not a danger, bigots are


smoke99999 t1_iy9iy68 wrote

NEITHER are appropriate

you seem to be the one with the issue here

I only pointed out that they were getting treated differently

I did not claim one was better than the other.

you are the bigot here, I fully support their rights to do whatever they want in an appropriate locale

school is not the place for either


blackguyriri t1_iy9lm7k wrote

I know this a hard concept to understand but actions have consequences. She was fired for a valid reason and yet you’re still trying to make her a victim despite her doing all of this to herself.


smoke99999 t1_iy9qouz wrote


you should really see someone about that

I see its bothering you, maybe you should seek counseling for it?

maybe one day you will be ready for the really difficult stuff


AnimusCorpus t1_iy9xuhb wrote

> if said drag queen dressed in appropriate school clothes and not a provocative outfit designed to elicit a reaction, then let them read to the kids, with AGE APPROPRIATE material as well.

That is literally what already happens. You're protesting nothing.


MagnificentBastard0 t1_iyamw9v wrote

I think school teachers should be allowed to marry have an OF. That’s not related to their teaching position.

Filming in the school is unprofessional and if the school’s panties are bunched they of course can fire her. But I assume they can also fire her for anything.

If it was your school to run you could also overreact as much as you see fit.

The tempest is still firmly in the teapot.


imll99 t1_iyb0rk0 wrote

Aside from it being a clear violation of privacy laws and policy and unsanitary for the dozens of minors who sit in there every day, it's against basic workplace policies everywhere in almost any sense. If I were a teacher and typed in, "Viagra," on my computer, I'd get fired. This is that times a 1,000.


imll99 t1_iyb178k wrote

How are clothes sexual? Why don't you go back to the hick town, dead-end job, bratty kids, mangy dog, cigarette-smoking wife beater of a husband you have waiting for you off the computer in the corner of your trailer?


AjahnAnarchy t1_iyb9egz wrote

I’m sorry, what mailable offense was committed? She didn’t break the law, she broke OnlyFans TOS.

And all your brains when you found out some rooms don’t stay empty when you leave them for the weekend. Oooohhh! 😱