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kevinds t1_iy6nhx1 wrote

>How do those parker brothers sleep at night.

They made the game hoping to show people why a single person owning everything was bad...

So working as intended..


PlsNope OP t1_iy6u165 wrote

They didn't make the game. A woman made it to try and push people towards Georgism, which is a political ideology saying that land ownership and the benefits of such should be collectively owned by all.


Schuano t1_iy7nsoy wrote

Was that Georgian in the twenties?

Modern Georgism is the idea that land should be taxed based on the value of the land itself rather than improvements.


1iIiii11IIiI1i1i11iI t1_iy6x386 wrote

Well...they bought the game from some guy who stole it from a woman, and then when they found out about that, they went to the woman and paid her a paltry amount for the rights. So it does show the evils of capitalism, just not in the way originally intended.