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pakederm2002 t1_iy64rjb wrote

Been there no arrests tho ! Monopoly is evil 👿!


likeinsaaaaw t1_iy64vpn wrote

If you think that bullshit's frustrating never play risk.


shellevanczik t1_iy65f4u wrote

Never play monopoly with friends or family.


uginscion t1_iy666fq wrote

I'm not saying that I agree with how it went down. I'm saying I get it.


Xendeus12 t1_iy679cm wrote

I thought they would say that they were playing Sorry or Ono.


jaybazzizzle t1_iy67d77 wrote

Man immediately released when he produced paper 'Get Out of Jail Free' card


caskey t1_iy67i77 wrote

Booo story doesn't say that the conflict was related to game play or not.

That said, I would require weapons to be checked at the door in even the friendliest game of Monopoly.


covidlaxative t1_iy69ehq wrote

First, Stallone invades, now this. These are the end of days. Lol


SevroAuShitTalker t1_iy6crdp wrote

I was playing with coworkers once in college, by the 2nd game, one dude (who we knew had anger problems) was threatening to punch another guy over a roll. They were also trying to trade work shifts for properties.

Monopoly destroys all relationships


i-opener t1_iy6e56l wrote

Fucking amateur hour!

Our family has endured numerous fights at the piece picking stage of the game!


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_iy6loun wrote

I will go to the mat defending Monopoly. It's a great board game. People ruin it by employing house rules passed down through generations that they don't realize are house rules.


cykickass t1_iy6p9tw wrote

Good luck with jury selection. Ain’t gonna find anyone who hasn’t been in his shoes during a family monopoly game and wanted to do the exact same thing!


Snakestream t1_iy6r5kf wrote

What game of monopoly DOESN'T end in violence?


plemur t1_iy6s045 wrote

Well, we really need to know what happened in the gameplay -- this could be 100% justified.


PlsNope OP t1_iy6u165 wrote

They didn't make the game. A woman made it to try and push people towards Georgism, which is a political ideology saying that land ownership and the benefits of such should be collectively owned by all.


ialwaystealpens t1_iy6u8t1 wrote

“After knocking over the game board and turning over furniture, they were told to take the fight outside”

And to think I always thought knocking over the board and throwing pieces at your sister was just part of the game.


full_bl33d t1_iy6wmrc wrote

In high school we played for money and as a sort of drinking game. One of our larger friends was eating out of a box of Cookie Crisp cereal and also somehow winning. Nobody really considered it was weird for him to eat a box of cereal since he was really getting into his groove as big fat party animal. But when he went to the bathroom, someone took his cereal box out of frustration and maybe because he was hungry too and lo and fucking behold a stash of monopoly cash in there. He had brought extra bills from his house, stashed them in the cereal box and was cheating us. Needless to say, we beat the crap out of him. But it wasn’t that gruesome. He was really a big fat party animal so it was like kids harassing a bear. He took his lumps, cursed us to eternity for destroying his box of cereal and we all went back to underage drinking and gambling. Best monopoly day ever.


Wrong_Hombre t1_iy6ww6w wrote

WHat kind of sick fucks aren't playing Catan instead of Monopoly at this point?


1iIiii11IIiI1i1i11iI t1_iy6x386 wrote

Well...they bought the game from some guy who stole it from a woman, and then when they found out about that, they went to the woman and paid her a paltry amount for the rights. So it does show the evils of capitalism, just not in the way originally intended.


Cat-Lover20 t1_iy6xcnl wrote

Man, these house rules are getting crazy!


mdeltam t1_iy6y5gq wrote

I’m just going to put this legal monopoly dick move out there:

You land on someone’s property and are about to go bankrupt.

Before you declare bankruptcy you can always trade properties for cash to try to make the rent. You trade everything you own and all your cash to someone you want to win for one of their dollars.

Then when you declare bankruptcy the landlord gets everything you have left, a dollar.

I only use this if someone is being completely insufferable. It doesn’t help, but at least now they have a reason.


Howard_Cosine t1_iy6yxhi wrote

So where are all the the right-wing-Christo-fascist-gun-nut comments?? Isn't this reddit??


No-Noise-4689 t1_iy6zlfv wrote

I’m not gonna judge too hard. A relative and I are still not on speaking terms after we got into a physical fight over spade last Christmas. Those games get violent especially when alcohol is involved


eburton555 t1_iy714lq wrote

I’m not saying he’s right but… I get it


sottedlayabout t1_iy71ufl wrote

I think monopoly needs an update with civil unrest and chopi boyz.


SpectralMagic t1_iy732x4 wrote

I'm guessing somebody was able to buy 3 Hotels


vassility t1_iy7380k wrote

I reckon, he didn't collect $200 and went straight to jail.


HellsMalice t1_iy74ejd wrote

Not the onion? Sir this is the most reasonable headline i've read all day. It nearly happened the last 3 times I played monopoly with my girlfriend and it had absolutely nothing to do with me gloating about my big comeback. She was just mad.


JokersRWildStudios t1_iy7a3pk wrote

This is why we seize the means of production and install communism.


ThiccGingerRat t1_iy7ab7y wrote

His get out of jail for free card can’t help him now


Divallo t1_iy7c4f8 wrote

Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200


IrocDewclaw t1_iy7cbvl wrote

Lol I was in Tulsa at some pizza place my kid took us to Saturday night. Was my S(on)IL's bday.

Good thing I left for home Sunday Morning. It's a nice plac....whom I kidding.

It's a place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


Last-Of-My-Kind t1_iy7cwwe wrote

Monopoly is a game that turns everyone violent.


Even_Bath6360 t1_iy7ed3i wrote

Without even reading the article, I'm not saying he's justified. All I'm saying, is I understand


jay22022 t1_iy7huhw wrote

Even fake money changes people.


Shot-Spray5935 t1_iy7mzbr wrote

Don't you ever take any land from Americans. Americans always take land from you.


Joelsax47 t1_iy7n002 wrote

I can see this happening.


Schuano t1_iy7nsoy wrote

Was that Georgian in the twenties?

Modern Georgism is the idea that land should be taxed based on the value of the land itself rather than improvements.


Medit8or t1_iy7p23l wrote

It’s always about Toto


SweRakii t1_iy7rfeu wrote

My ex would literally threaten to break up because I wouldn't sell her the orher expensive street.


Thirdtwin t1_iy7s20t wrote

Hope he has saved a jail free card.


TBTabby t1_iy7supm wrote

"I don't know how those Parker Brothers sleep at night."


ElWendigo t1_iy7uo62 wrote

Never appropriate to act like that. Is this even real? God help us...


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_iy7zg0c wrote

Okay, that particular dick move is actually legal, but still a dick move. The game was invented to bash capitalism, after all, and nobody who is losing hard isn't going to eg: help his wife out if he wants the rest of the evening to go well. I'm talking more about the shit people do that makes it take forever (the chief complaint) such as the "Free Parking Pot" and refusing to trade at all.


GOLDANDAPPELINC t1_iy7zyby wrote

Y'know what the best dick move in Monopoly is? Are you prepared to read the big black evil book bound in human flesh? The rules say you don't replace houses with pennies or Lifesavers or some shit when they run out - when they're gone, they're gone. So never build hotels and nobody else can build anything. Check and mate.

My nickname in my Monopoly club (yes, I know) was "Slumlord." I would give some sucker my entire bankroll for Baltic and Mediterranean and then bleed them like Jack the Ripper.


Genjinaro t1_iy840lp wrote

What was said prior:

"Damn son, you must love my Hotel on Boardwalk. Cough it up"


AZScienceTeacher t1_iy85m0d wrote

My big brother always wanted to be the banker. I finally realized he was embezzling from the bank and would always win. I was around 10 and he 15. My two sisters, both older often played too.

So one day, I decided to just go into the box and lift some cash, hide it in my room, and dominate the next time we played. Unfortunately, my stupid ass took almost all the 500s and I was quickly found out.

My brother tattled to my mom who said I wasn't allowed to play that game. She didn't say I wasn't allowed to watch my brother like a fucking hawk. As soon as he started cheating (he hid money under his leg and would pull a bill or two out at a time), I found my mom and told her what was going on. She came in, verified that he was, in fact cheating, and grounded his ass for a week.

Yeah, I got beat up later. The funny thing is he capped out at around 5'8", and I made it to 6 feet and was in much better shape than his slovenly ass. So then the tables were turned and he got his comeuppance several times. We haven't really talked since he became a huge fan of that guy that was elected in 2016.


Nigredo78 t1_iy87f84 wrote

motherfucker really didn't wanna pay rent on park place...


BrillantPebbles t1_iy8bw2e wrote

Well, the only upside was that the shooters dad was completely safe.


Cogi_Policy t1_iy8enpv wrote

Hope hes got a jail break card with him now


Maik09 t1_iy8f2g9 wrote

could be worse, it could have been mario kart


curkri t1_iy8fzp0 wrote

We've all been there!


Spoogen_1 t1_iy8iuon wrote

I will never understand why people feel the need to carry a loaded firearm while playing board games with their family.


SweatyTax4669 t1_iy8l82z wrote

The only way to escape the capitalist hellscape is through violent upheaval of the socioeconomic systems we have become trapped in.


bateees t1_iy8u3z6 wrote

i learned decades ago not to play board games with family. it gives them the opportunity to vent how they truly feel about you through those games without actually saying it. if you have a toxic family this can be life altering if you don't understand what they're doing.


likeinsaaaaw t1_iy8w4hy wrote

There's a really good app now. It's a lot of fun with tons of expanded maps and different play styles. I highly recommend.

But tons of collaboration (fucking Canadians are the worst cheaters I swear) but the bad doesn't outweigh the good.


crownjewel82 t1_iy93c5i wrote

See this is why I don't play Monopoly anymore. People want to be making up rules in the middle of the game and then getting angry and taking things way too seriously.


Mummelpuffin t1_iy95jz5 wrote

Never heard of this before, but Neptune's Pride has a similar vibe, specifically like playing Diplomacy PBP. It's all alliances and backstabbing, and it takes many IRL hours for ships to move between star systems and for research to happen. Games can potentially last a month. Playing it with people you know is a nightmare since real life continues on as you all erode each other's trust.


Pathetian t1_iy9b1zm wrote

Why did mods remove this when I posted it, but leave this one up?


BillyQz t1_iy9hijt wrote

Drug Dealer turf wars! You can't have Park Place! Where is my 9MM


Toadman005 t1_iy9is3y wrote

Hope he brought his "Get Out of Jail Free" card.


alvinofdiaspar t1_iy9kl32 wrote

Guess he landed on Boardwalk with 4 hotels.


andybmcc t1_iy9rfx5 wrote

Dude looks like Juicy.


spartaman64 t1_iy9v2e1 wrote

one game the first 3 squares ive landed on were the railroad squares and i bought all of them. if he was playing with me he would have murdered me