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Xanthus179 t1_iy8gure wrote

Don’t even get me started on those guys over in homicide.


jordantask t1_iy8is5q wrote

“Bob caught a serial killer last week, but we suspect he’s the real serial killer and he just framed a guy.”


wallander1983 t1_iy9lfux wrote

An innocent guy?

No, a black guy.


jordantask t1_iy9ti2x wrote

“Why do you think Bob’s the killer instead of the guy he brought in?”

“Most cops bring suspects in in handcuffs. Bob brought his in in 8 separate Hefty bags….”


[deleted] t1_iybvsqb wrote

It wasn’t Bob, it was Dexter. That sneaky blood analyst.


Gulbahar-00 t1_iyb8f4c wrote

I was involved with a suicide prevention committee at one point despite having attempted four times. I do nonprofit work in education now but am transitioning back to suicide prevention next year.

I got some flak for it but I have a sense of humor though so usually my friends or I are the ones making the jokes. It did hurt when I got called “worst committee member” by a colleague though.