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igner_farnsworth t1_j05n62c wrote

No hate, just not much memory of thinking he's particularly funny. "You can do it!" stuck with me, but that's about it.

I do appreciate that he keeps putting Jennifer Aniston in a bathing suit... for that alone I'm sure Mark Twain would give him a prize.


BadMedAdvice t1_j08ij07 wrote

Thinking back to Waterboy. Strange movie, because he's technically the lead... But in reality, he's just supporting other people's comedy. Like, all the funniest moments are things that other actors do. And it's not even like he's playing the straight man that occasionally has jokes, like Harrold Ramis in Ghostbusters. He's definitely being funny throughout the movie... It's just that all the best lines and acts went to the "supporting" cast. I'd like to think that's deliberate, and give him credit for the unique style.