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ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_j0fbpdq wrote

I don’t live there but I love everything about this woman lol


ClammyVagikarp t1_j0fq7xs wrote

Too bad you don't. They don't like her. She did a phenomenal job doing covid, but since we're past that they remembered why they dont like her.


DSMB t1_j0fu5nz wrote


There's always someone in the comments of an Ardern post pretending the whole country doesn't like her.

While party support shows dim prospects, she is still the preferred prime minister.


ClammyVagikarp t1_j0fwydp wrote

You know they vote for a party instead of a prime minister in the westminister system right? Why am i bothering. She speaks redditor language and gets worshipped like a goddess here. And schroedingers redditors are simultaneously representing the overwhelming majority and are an oppressed minority.


daskeleton123 t1_j0glp2v wrote

You don’t vote for a party you vote for a representative.


Sherbert42 t1_j0hduhm wrote

We do both! MMP gives us 2 votes, one for our local MP and the other for a party.