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Necromartian t1_j0tt4xv wrote

Apologies, It was not my intend to imply that you did.

I'm just a bit frustrated that there are people who seem to think that homelessness (At least in scale as it appears in the USA) is somehow an unsolvable problem caused by the homeless just being lazy and bad people.


DirectLavishness602 t1_j0u07c8 wrote

Youre good, im extremely thankful for my situation as Im not in an imminent threat to become homeless. I do help people out by giving them food and money. You can never know when could you be in fhe same situation, so feeling thankful and humble is far much better that feeling guilt.

hope you have a nice day ahead


mtcwby t1_j0v3pon wrote

A large part of it is substance abuse and mental illness. The economic homeless are just who they trot out for the camera. Until we get serious about forcing the issue on treatment there's no solution.


Necromartian t1_j13oiom wrote

I'm reading that as "Forcing people to accept treatment for their mental health problems and drug abuse," but I'm not sure if sure I understood your meaning correctly.

In my country we start the idea with "A person needs a safe environment, a home of their own, to heal from the things that caused their homelessness."

So they are provided with an apartment without requirement for staying sober and they are guided towards mental health services and addiction services.

If you drag someone kicking and screaming to a rehab, they'll be back on street in a blink of an eye.