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barnivere t1_j0twqin wrote

The guy has a skill despite his homelessness, give him a job.


ScrotumSlapper t1_j0uixg9 wrote

Dude doesn't have enough common sense not to use an excavator to change a tire, idk if I'd trust him to do anything.


LittleKitty235 t1_j0ufwcd wrote

But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you...people with cars without extra holes.


Kamata22 t1_j0veg48 wrote

Watch the interview again, then watch some sovereign citizen court trials on Youtube.


barnivere t1_j0vel8h wrote

Wait, the dude's a sovereign citizen? Oh Lord lmfao, nevermind then


Kamata22 t1_j0vffaj wrote

Don't know, but the crazy is pretty visible in the interview. It isn't worth hiring him to find out how crazy.