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SelectiveSanity t1_j0w1rir wrote

Talk about out of the frying pan and into the deep fryer.


FuktOff666 t1_j0w34wi wrote

All the Chinese and Russian students in American universities getting real scared their parents might get a cheaper deal sending their kids to a North Korean university.


CriusofCoH t1_j0w4xuo wrote

Study what in NK? Current leader of NK studied not in NK, sounds like a good idea to emulate him in that respect.


GetOutOfNATO t1_j0wdl3p wrote

I thought NK was extremely anti Islam? I don’t understand.


autoposting_system t1_j0wjofi wrote

That would actually be really good. North Korea needs more interaction with the outside world.


HiopXenophil t1_j0zl6dt wrote

So praying to great leader Kim is not against Islam?


8ew8135 t1_j0zqfbz wrote

Sounds like Putin is creating another axis.


garry4321 t1_j0zvx5g wrote

Well, anywhere else and they wont want to come back. When your smartest people leave to study abroad, you kind of need them to come back.


Hadren-Blackwater t1_j14kmrb wrote

>All the Chinese and Russian students in American universities getting real scared their parents might get a cheaper deal sending their kids to a North Korean university.

Payable with bags of humanitarian aid rice per semester.