Submitted by GoatsesWeddingRing t3_10jetp1 in nottheonion
manticor225 t1_j5k15qq wrote
Now let's see if it can pull a phishing scam.
[deleted] t1_j5k1t25 wrote
Microdck t1_j5k34rx wrote
Clap…..clap……clap…clap..CHEERING !
SlightlyScruffy t1_j5k3sdf wrote
OfLittleToNoValue t1_j5k45ty wrote
The fish was "trying" to beat a game? 🤨
Defiant-Peace-493 t1_j5k6uhk wrote
This is why any competent storefront limits the display to last 4 digits.
Well, perhaps not this specifically…
GoatsesWeddingRing OP t1_j5k94oo wrote
Found this on r/aquariums. Article is actually neat.
Pixeljammed t1_j5k9xgw wrote
Yeah it's not uncommon now, people hook their fish tanks up to image recognition software and depending on the area it will translate that into nintendo switch inputs
OfLittleToNoValue t1_j5ka6f5 wrote
Trying ascribes intent and that the fish understands the link between swimming into things and the changes in game state.
This seems more like the room full of monkeys in typewriters.
Pixeljammed t1_j5kbg7q wrote
Yeah it's pretty much random chance but still fucking hilarious
smurfsundermybed t1_j5kd54s wrote
The fish's favorite movie is Johnny Mnemonic.
theflamingheads t1_j5kh3vt wrote
To keep it simple you'd want to scale it down.
chooseausernamenerd t1_j5khk6u wrote
Fishing Scam
Blibber3 t1_j5kpjsa wrote
You still want to make sure you can fin-ish it.
shhh_its_me t1_j5kzqw9 wrote
The fish did beat one of the Pokemon games already took 3500 hours ish. Which is hilarious.
Insufferablelol t1_j5l1cvv wrote
Yeah Nintendo still doesn't understand online stuff.
Angdrambor t1_j5l57nb wrote
>competent storefront
Angdrambor t1_j5l5cj6 wrote
Evidence the game wants you to win lmao
DrakeDrizzy408 t1_j5l5he8 wrote
Anything for content
Bricklayer2021 t1_j5l84rt wrote
I remember watching a video of a fish in a fishtank creating a stock portfolio and it out performed wallstreetbet's meme portfolio.
tang0008 t1_j5l92o4 wrote
God i still haven't beaten the first pokemon game and now this fish has
adamhanson t1_j5ldffl wrote
Sounds like breach of TOS giving someone else access to your accounts and private information.
scuac t1_j5ldvtf wrote
But did you spend 3500 hrs on it?
l4derman t1_j5lef8g wrote
tfw you realize Nintendo is just as bad as every mom who refers to most, if not all, electronics as a "nintendo".
SUBLIMEskillz t1_j5lepfc wrote
Good thing it’s not a someone then
Confident-Medicine75 t1_j5lf7x0 wrote
Yeah. That’s not uncommon at all. At all…
ShutterBun t1_j5lhfbq wrote
This was bound to happen.
Pixeljammed t1_j5lhr8d wrote
In a world of 8 billions people someone had to do it lol
damnburglar t1_j5lkarh wrote
Michael Reeves, masterpiece of a video.
dawgzfan96 t1_j5lkirt wrote
No wonder chi-yu got banished to uber
Majestic_Electric t1_j5ln7ne wrote
What? Chi-Yu is evolving!
peensteen t1_j5lqkpw wrote
I didn't know that Klaus was into Pokémon. Man, Stan's gonna be pissed!
peensteen t1_j5lr1km wrote
That shit drove me crazy when I was a kid.
peensteen t1_j5lrk6i wrote
All that they care about is that you buy multiple versions of the same damn game, in every color, gemstone, precious metal, or whatever. Soon, they'll be down to releasing Pokémon Onion/Shallot.
peensteen t1_j5lsel0 wrote
Good thing it can't. I'd hate to see what this fish could do with opposable thumbs.
[deleted] t1_j5luvgr wrote
AnimusCorpus t1_j5lxbrq wrote
So funny anecdote. I live in New Zealand.
For whatever reason, back in the 90s, Nintendo products were crazy hard to get. I had to order most of my N64 games from the states and wait 6 months to a year for them to arrive. PS games were a dime a dozen though.
As a result, PlayStation was EVERYWHERE.
This meant every electronic was a "playstation".
I just find it amusing, because it's the exact same phenomenon just a different brand.
AnimusCorpus t1_j5lxofi wrote
Sounds like a job for the open source and piracy communities...
SAAS has been a disaster for consumers.
AnimusCorpus t1_j5ly15r wrote
Not quite what happened. He was streaming his fish tank that was set up to provide inputs to the switch.
The fish accessed the online store, exposing their credit card info.
Essentially, they exposed their own credit card information.
pompous_prick666 t1_j5lyw8y wrote
Omfg 😂😂
Defiant-Peace-493 t1_j5m0i22 wrote
The whole computer box is 'the CPU', apparently.
("System unit" is a solid term if you want to exclude peripherals)
things_U_choose_2_b t1_j5m659c wrote
It also changed his username to "ROWAWAWAWA¥." This article really lived up to all my expectations.
NimbleAxolotl t1_j5m9t6n wrote
When gods creations sing, will a fish not be of his holy choir?
Maskeno t1_j5mhk4i wrote
I'm not sure I buy it. This fish supposedly beat Pokémon sapphire in about 130 days? Color me skeptical.
Edit: Downvoted for not believing a fish can beat Pokémon and buy $4 worth of eshop cash without help. Okay, lol.
l4derman t1_j5mm97e wrote
braveabandon t1_j5mru6d wrote
The moms are gonna get in on pokemon now too lol
Lenny_Pane t1_j5mznch wrote
I just made a Switch eShop purchase today and I'm 100% sure it only showed last four and expiration. Granted that's still info I wouldn't want streamed
bagsofcandy t1_j5n1lfy wrote
Damnit goldeen, stop buying games on my account
No-Amoeba3560 t1_j5n2lvg wrote
I don’t care. Best headline in a day or two.
nathanpizazz t1_j5n36ys wrote
Thats illegal. If he gets caught he’d surely be gill-ty.
peensteen t1_j5n5m4b wrote
Moms will jump on this shit when editions are named after moon phases and planetary alignments.
9Lives_ t1_j5n6eej wrote
I remember that. PlayStation became synonymous with gaming console the same the word xerox became synonyms with photocopier.
There’s heaps of examples, another one is yo-yo , the corporations HATE it because when brands become integrated into modern day vernacular it fucks with their copyrights and patents.
Kelpsie t1_j5n7b9a wrote
> copyrights and patents
Amusingly, you named the two types of intellectual property that it doesn't mess with. Trademark is the one you wanted. Trademark genericization is the relevant term.
9Lives_ t1_j5n7grk wrote
Lol thanks. You’re right it’s Trademark.
ActualHumanBeen t1_j5n9lh3 wrote
Michael Reeves did this
Polyglot-Onigiri t1_j5naxh8 wrote
Anytime I played a game my mom called it a “Nintendo”
robinmood t1_j5nbsmu wrote
And people are worried about AI?!
Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j5ncudz wrote
I think the worst one might be bandaids, but I love hearing more examples
Dlo-Nainamsat t1_j5nd1ly wrote
Heckle fish behave…..and where is you tinfoil hat?
pronuntiator t1_j5ndasx wrote
You say it can't now, but just wait and see what happens in a couple million years.
AnimusCorpus t1_j5ndugg wrote
Hoover. Bandaid. Post It Notes.
There is a word for these but it's escaping me.
greasy_minge t1_j5nja84 wrote
This is the same fish that accidentally discovered a glitch in one of the old pokemon games too.
peensteen t1_j5njown wrote
You have no idea how fast I can tap B, and there's always Everstones!
Edit: you don't need an Everstone with Chi Yu. Like a Dallas Cowboys fan, it can't evolve.
Birds_N_Stuff t1_j5nl56y wrote
Every sentence of this was art.
CertainCertainties t1_j5norfb wrote
I hate when this happens.
Xwayds t1_j5nqwbu wrote
The distributor for the Nes in Turkey was Atari so still to this day people call electronics Atari
Suicicoo t1_j5nsnml wrote
to be honest, it's a not so far fetched to call a play station a playstation ;)
Corka t1_j5nuphs wrote
?? I'm also from NZ and grew up with an N64. You could buy N64 games locally for sure, though they were way more expensive than playstation ones. But our N64s were PAL and not compatible with American NTSC cartridges.
My guess is that you probably got a NTSC N64 somehow, and so you HAD to then import them from the US.
AnimusCorpus t1_j5nzkoh wrote
Ah crap, my bad. No I definitely have a PAL N64, it must have been ordering from Europe. I was a kid, I just remember it was coming from very far away and taking absolutely FOREVER to arrive.
For whatever reason, all of the local stores near me stocked an extremely limited range of N64 games.
Corka t1_j5o0h1o wrote
Oh well that was partly because the N64 didn't exactly have the widest range. I think the catalogue was literally one tenth of what was released on ps1. The PAL region was a bit more limited as well. Also for some reason Starfox 64 was called Lylat Wars.
But that's okay, we got Golden Eye.
TheRealFakeSteve t1_j5o0ti5 wrote
What if we are all living out our lives as inputs to some hyper being's Nintendo Switch?
AnybodyMassive1610 t1_j5o2ani wrote
calibraka t1_j5o2hb9 wrote
In Turkey it's ATARI instead. Every game console was called ATARI for a long time.
RiC_David t1_j5o6hgn wrote
kz393 t1_j5o6q4x wrote
>BUT in the process he exposed the credit card details to ALL of the livestream viewers
How? Does it display the whole CC number? Never have I seen a website do that, it's always just the last four digits.
Karkava t1_j5o6v34 wrote
I think Jell-O has been the catch-all term for fruit flavored gelitan products.
The official product name is Lego Bricks, but just about everyone seems to call them Legos. Even if they're a knockoff brand.
Kool-aid is so commonly used, "Drinking the Kool-aid" was used to refer to the Jonestown incident. Even though they used "Flavor-aid" the name.
The internet age also brought in the terms "Google it" and "Photoshopped".
Karkava t1_j5o7vzl wrote
They seem old-fashioned. Atari hasn't been in the console wars for decades.
TheBushmeister t1_j5oarar wrote
Michael Reeves?
ImaginationOk1526 t1_j5obz9i wrote
This is an example of a genius (pet owner) with no sense
tim2u24 t1_j5od92g wrote
Frederick? Is that you?
BloodlustyGummybear t1_j5odglz wrote
Obviously this is a strange edge case but I've always thought it was important to never save my credit card info anywhere.
I have it memorized.
If someone manages to compromise my accounts, they could probably do damage but my credit info won't be in there. I feel like it's just part of having good security practices. An added bonus is that if I find myself in a jam, with no wallet, I can still give my card info over the phone.
Pixeljammed t1_j5ofwgf wrote
it's funny lolol
danraps t1_j5ojixm wrote
Somewhat disappointed I had to scroll so far to find a dadder in the comments
epigenie_986 t1_j5olyne wrote
As a mom, I’m sorry I keep calling the Switch a Wii.
Hotarg t1_j5om31s wrote
Eponym or Deonym, depending on the origin of the word.
l4derman t1_j5oqkbq wrote
Haha I do it too
smudgiepie t1_j5ork92 wrote
My favourite part is that Nintendo actually refunded the money
right_there t1_j5oujtd wrote
Not entirely. It got stuck on a boulder puzzle and its human took control and solved it.
I'm the process the fish discovered a previously unknown glitch with that puzzle though!
laplongejr t1_j5ov0ba wrote
Yeah, it does. I guess that the switch weren't affected by regulations for websites.
> Never have I seen a website do that, it's always just the last four digits.
Note that the browser is always acting between you and the website, so it's possible that standard browser handle automatically that for fields about CCs, and the switch's browser didn't.
PJKPJT7915 t1_j5pog33 wrote
That was the funniest detail 🤣
Sburban_Player t1_j6507qo wrote
It was a lot more common in 2015, after the success of Twitch Plays Pokemon. There was fish plays Pokémon, fish plays final fantasy, and my favorite fish play street fighter.
SUBLIMEskillz t1_j6n2u9z wrote
Only fish I’ve heard sing is a whale.
Pixeljammed t1_j5k15my wrote
The story is better than it sounds as well lmao
Fish was hooked up to a tank that could input his movements into a nintendo switch, that was also livestreamed unsupervised
The fish was trying to beat the new pokemon game but it crashed, he then happened to go onto the EShop and add about 4 dollars worth of yen (500) to his owner's account, BUT in the process he exposed the credit card details to ALL of the livestream viewers
What a lad.