InflamedLiver t1_j3ycm3c wrote
looks like it's just like a pre-boot camp to help recruits get better scores either physically or academically.
maddieterrier t1_j3ydpvb wrote
The Fat and Stupid brigade. Fits in with the rest of America.
MaxFunkenstein t1_j3ye1nq wrote
GetlostMaps t1_j3yek4e wrote
Seems entirely reasonable. It's a sad indictment on the education system and society as a whole, but if you have standards society isn't providing, you gotta do it yourself.
spaghoni t1_j3yf0yq wrote
This is nothing new. Look up McNamara's Morons. The military loves using low IQ folks as cannon fodder.
Rosy2020Derek t1_j3yg5nm wrote
Lowering the bar on standards. What next “Special” army recruitment ????
No-Glass332 t1_j3yhe05 wrote
stripes 2
WellNowWhat6245 t1_j3yif0a wrote
Just make them police officers
InflamedLiver t1_j3yjixj wrote
keep in mind, it's not exactly like every soldier has to be the perfect cross of Albert Einstein and an olympic athlete either. The military still needs people who are content mopping floors, replacing lightbulbs, and moving gear from point A to point B.
SweetCosmicPope t1_j3yjmm1 wrote
I remember when I joined the Navy they had a list of what your ASVAB percentage needed to be to be accepted into the airforce, navy, coast guard, army, or marines. Marines and army were much lower than the others and our recruiters were joking when we went to MEPS to take our ASVAB that if we didn't score high enough they were going to send us next door (marines recruiter was next door). lol
KrayzieAlcohilicFlow t1_j3yjqnw wrote
Army G-League. Those two-way contracts must be killer.
MindWandererB t1_j3yk0nc wrote
So you're allowed to be 6% heavier but 33% dumber. Makes sense, welcome to the army.
lostnumber08 t1_j3yla02 wrote
They have always had these... When I went to basic training in Ft. Leonard Wood, they had the "fat platoon." These people would be in holdover status and wouldn't get shipped off to their training company till they got their BMI down. It was, from what I could tell, very effective.
Elbynerual t1_j3ylac3 wrote
We (navy here as well) joked that extraordinarily stupid people in the army that we worked with had to have been ASVAB waivers.
I've encountered a lot.
methpartysupplies t1_j3ymgjl wrote
Excellent, more fodder for the bridge crews. Send them first on chasm assaults to draw the Parshendi arrows.
zencat420 t1_j3ynhrt wrote
Hrrrmmnn.... Our recruits are too young, stupid, and fat... What can we do about that?
zencat420 t1_j3ynntx wrote
Just sad they have to have an internal training program to get them up to that standard, public education is sadly lacking in this area.
zencat420 t1_j3yny06 wrote
"when I'm in charge every mission is a suicide mission!"
[deleted] t1_j3yo2ki wrote
K001CRafT t1_j3yo5n4 wrote
The Parmy
zencat420 t1_j3yo9c4 wrote
If it's anything like the special Olympics I'm tuning in for every episode.... Even on pay-per-view.
goosebattle t1_j3yoacb wrote
Why isn't there a Rodney Dangerfield movie about this? (Or perhaps there is one and I just don't know about it)
RedditModsRLazy t1_j3yolrg wrote
Yeah I went through this because I was a high school drop out. Still smarter and in better shape than half my platoon. Regardless, they’ll give you a good base to move into a permanent unit from.
RedditModsRLazy t1_j3yopb7 wrote
That is a huge percentage of the army
guvan420 t1_j3yp7vi wrote
Sits them all down to tell them the WHMIS answers.
FastElk2368 t1_j3yq2fq wrote
Everyone gets a trophy 🏆
SelectiveSanity t1_j3yrktg wrote
Its McNamara's Morons all over again.
superdullboy t1_j3ys47v wrote
Same at Ft Sill. If you couldn’t make weight or pass a very basic PT test at reception you got tossed in there before basic. They called it the FTB for Fitness Training Battery but all the Drill Sergeants called it Fat Tubby Bastards. Such sweethearts.
padredepaloma t1_j3yt54o wrote
Slough House
dogeheroic t1_j3ytz3w wrote
You don't really come across mensa candidates through the ranks.
Loose_Instruction_90 t1_j3yv77g wrote
Something Youth? This feels oddly familiar…
[deleted] t1_j3yvaqu wrote
malthar76 t1_j3yw1dq wrote
Marinara Corps?
SaintedRomaine t1_j3ywiwy wrote
Semper Fudge
archangel7134 t1_j3ywocc wrote
They are the replacements
Dowfoberts1984 t1_j3yyb43 wrote
It is a shame what has happened to this country. These young people have been corrupted by our education system.
jpop237 t1_j3yygzx wrote
No respect.
coursejunkie t1_j3z1j3z wrote
My Air Force husband has said similar.
Half_Cent t1_j3z1k0i wrote
There are just as many smart enlisted as any other population. I went through 18 months of grueling training to operate a nuclear plant on an aircraft carrier.
Your comment is ignorant and demeaning to those who have served.
somerandomguy101 t1_j3z2l7f wrote
Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Non-Essential.
Creative_Cry7532 t1_j3z2lyi wrote
There is a documentary about this, I think it is called “Stripes”.
dogeheroic t1_j3z2ph4 wrote
USN ET. I went through A school, C school and some additional training. I speak from experience. Think about that before you decide to call someone ignorant while yourself being ignorant.
Sir-Kevly t1_j3z2qcm wrote
Looks like we're getting McNamara's morons 2.0.
ShaderzXC t1_j3z310z wrote
Yes the education system has made them fat
Sir-Kevly t1_j3z32op wrote
They already let some incredibly dumb people in. Young people just aren't signing up because they aren't willing to vaporize Afghani children for $40k a year.
25StarGeneralZap t1_j3z3e74 wrote
Yep! Had one at Fort Jackson too. I couldn’t pass the push-up portion of the PT test so had to attend that for 2 weeks… not fat, but 6’2” and about 150 pounds when I went in. Ran like a gazelle just had no upper body strength!😂😂
Sir-Kevly t1_j3z3r8v wrote
Why would anyone want to be demeaning towards people who commit war crimes for a living?
bigbangbilly t1_j3z4fim wrote
Does an inability to improve mean a dishonorable discharge?
OneSidedDice t1_j3z4ly7 wrote
Takin’ It Easy Company
maddieterrier t1_j3z4w2n wrote
Man, that’s waaay better. Have my upvote.
karenwolfhound t1_j3z66yy wrote
Absolutely agree! One of my kids was a nuke.
insufferableninja t1_j3z6p9g wrote
Nah, they're far too smart to make good cops
Donut_merchant2 t1_j3z6qrf wrote
How many in Nagasaki did he take out?
6disc_cdchanger t1_j3z6zr5 wrote
$40k? More like $20k for a junior enlisted service member
sealmeal21 t1_j3z7ee7 wrote
This has always existed; just not to this scale. It should be Hotel company. Those needs need hazing to remediate their issues.
Heybigw t1_j3z7h3c wrote
Operation Get Behind the Fatty
Half_Cent t1_j3z8ar2 wrote
Then your comment was even worse. Ignorance is better than arrogance in my view, but you do you.
Half_Cent t1_j3z8uo1 wrote
cleminem9919 t1_j3za7y7 wrote
Nope. I've only seen one fail and they were given an honorable. Failure to meet procurement standards. I believe they can come back in just not go through the same program, they'd likely have to pass the tests up front.
--gumbyslayer-- t1_j3zamk2 wrote
Are these the very special forces?
Mikeavelli t1_j3zayvy wrote
You have to seriously fuck up to get a dishonorable discharge, it's more like a felony conviction than just getting fired.
If you're just not meeting standards you usually get an administrative discharge.
[deleted] t1_j3zbh2a wrote
Mellero47 t1_j3zc0ck wrote
Ft Jackson had one of those way back in '96, right there at the 120th.
Ctiyboy t1_j3zc4yj wrote
Apparently the Australian army has that, used to be just for female recruitment to get them up to spec as I guess the requirements weren't turning out super high numbers without giving them some extra training. Recruitment has been shit across the board for a while though so they let male recruits go through it too. My brother calls it fat camp lmao
[deleted] t1_j3zcfdu wrote
6disc_cdchanger t1_j3zcgoe wrote
I’ve been out for a decade, so I was a little off. $21,999 annually for E-1 (private)
Man that number needs to be higher. No wonder they are having an enlistment problem. I had a national guard guy try to convince me to enlist in the officer corps after meeting him at a blood drive I was working at. Then I noticed him asking everyone lol.
You can make more hourly at a Wendy’s. My god.
CaptainPunch374 t1_j3zdq2k wrote
Using those terms as if someone who wasn't enlisted and went through the same branch would know what they mean other than having a vague notion makes you sound like the guys who slip military jargon into their everyday speech without ever having been enlisted. It's not a good look on anyone, much more so on people who actually served, because it makes the ones who don't do that look bad.
The combination of jumping down someone's throat for being ignorant about your experience while expecting them to grasp super niche terminology relating to it is definitely making an argument opposite to the one you intended, at the very least.
ViciouslyVital t1_j3zemm7 wrote
Chicken Al-qaeda... wait, wrong country
[deleted] t1_j3zeowi wrote
[deleted] t1_j3zewp7 wrote
cmomo80 t1_j3zf0pz wrote
And free crayons
dingos8mybaby2 t1_j3zfb6g wrote
He was a Little Boy but became a Fat Man.
dingos8mybaby2 t1_j3zg69j wrote
Well you technically don't have to if you are fine with doing some time in a military prison, possibly a handful of years. I doubt that refusal to deploy or desertion would be met with execution in today's world unless it's during an invasion of the U.S. or something else very dire.
Ontheout t1_j3zh4vf wrote
Being from Missouri, Ft. Lenardwood is a good place for this.
Half_Cent t1_j3zhafg wrote
I went through an A school and C school so I know what they were referring to, and ET refers to their rate or job of electronics technician, but it makes it seem like they believe they were special and smarter than everyone else. In my experience there were smart people in every branch and field, and not so smart as well. Just like everywhere else I've been.
44035 t1_j3zho9z wrote
Easy Chair Company
madmaxjr t1_j3zhsqm wrote
Moreover, I’ve met my share of general- and field-grade officers, and one can immediately tell that 9/10 times they’re very intelligent
I_Have_Run_Amok t1_j3zhxvo wrote
Exactly. With the exception of snacks, cell phone, and internet you can get away with no other recurring expenses. If you're smart you can put away a decent amount of money.
[deleted] t1_j3zi3m4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3zi43e wrote
Donut_merchant2 t1_j3zitjr wrote
He became the war crime
[deleted] t1_j3ziz4x wrote
quats5 t1_j3zjxg0 wrote
Cut education spending and give more money to the military? Just means the military will have to start picking up some of the slack.
Acnat- t1_j3zkazm wrote
I wouldn't say I lose any sleep over it, but it is refreshing to hear someone point this out against stereotypes lol Been a pretty competent industrial electrician for around a decade now, had a gt in the mid 120s when I enlisted, and literally got laughed at by my recruiter when I asked if I qualified to go infantry. Plenty of knuckle draggers and big dumb animal environments to be sure (admittedly more so than not) but folks are always surprised to hear that I know plenty of grunts who transitioned into shit like filmmaking, culinary arts, psychology, and at least one engineer. Might be a very unique community and set of circumstances, but the military is still just a sample size of the general population, even down to the line units.
bobby11c t1_j3zksfv wrote
Naw, just combat arms.
RedditModsRLazy t1_j3zkxsc wrote
Man I was in water pur, fuel, laundry shower and then mortuary affairs… maybe it’s all of us?
ironroad18 t1_j3zlflb wrote
They had a similar program for the Army and Marines during the Vietnam-era draft, so nothing new. If recruits were overweight, injured, or couldn't meet certain standards they would cycle them through special training regiments before integrating them into a regular training unit.
However, there weren't as many obese people in the 1960s-70s, as there are today.
i_like_concrete t1_j3zm6j5 wrote
Baby boot camp?
U-N-C-L-E t1_j3znuns wrote
A fitness program to get people ready for basic training seems like a reasonable accommodation for a country that's mostly obese
Kastar_Troy t1_j3zp7xx wrote
I sense a police academy like franchise being born!
ArtieZiffsCat t1_j3zqalg wrote
You're being redeployed to the heavy artillary squadron
nancybell_crewman t1_j3zspzr wrote
Mustang or Charger?
[deleted] t1_j3ztltt wrote
mtwstr t1_j3ztpyu wrote
The pee eff eye
thehorns78 t1_j3zultv wrote
Net no one besmirch the name of the 82nd Airfryers.
Omegalazarus t1_j3zyfss wrote
Trust me bro, that's the part of the army you want to actually be in when it comes down to it
Omegalazarus t1_j3zywhm wrote
To say that they are just as many smart people in the enlisted cohort as in any other population division is definitely incorrect.
Hell it's even provable why the numbers. Grab an infantry squad and check their GT scores now go to I don't know like an ivy league school. Grab some doctoral candidates and Give them the ASVAB and check their GT scores.
Nazamroth t1_j3zze0k wrote
Hey thats me! Whenever i played squad or hell let loose, i was pretty useless in combat... But man, our bases were drowning in supplies and reinforcements.
bobby11c t1_j4024h5 wrote
Could be. But I definitely felt like they treated the infantry, well like infants.
bionic_cmdo t1_j402a5p wrote
I didn't realize this was new. We used to call them fat camp in the 90's.
MarcusCaspius t1_j4046dq wrote
Is it just me or I'm reading Canon Fodder Units?
usedTP t1_j4057tq wrote
We had an E5 who got out with $20k 30 years ago. He lived like a monk and only bought toiletries.
infector944 t1_j407yrw wrote
unexpected cremposting?
Helenium_autumnale t1_j408e3j wrote
There is no end of sophisticated machinery and systems everywhere in the military; it doesn't operate itself.
rettaelin t1_j408jv8 wrote
God I wish I was a loofah.
moveeverytwoyears t1_j40a6uq wrote
Female recruits get raped or killed at an alarming rate. The military has shown they can't protect Female personnel. That is why they have a difficult time recruiting them. It is unfair to women they don't get an opportunity to serve because the military can't protect them from their own male service members.
RepresentativeNo7660 t1_j40b3jx wrote
Gravy SEALs
FatWreckords t1_j40bqcn wrote
Perfect Dark MeatSims incoming!
Flowerinthevalley t1_j40f39r wrote
gregyong t1_j40fdd9 wrote
A company is specially abled.
B company is Bold.
C company is Chubby and challenged.
D company stands for Dumb.
E company is "easy minded".
F company stands for Fat.
Xylem88 t1_j40gewi wrote
There's a recruiting crisis?
arkofjoy t1_j40hdkm wrote
Seems like they might be solving the wrong problem. I'm pretty sure that the reason a lot of people are staying away from the military is that they have seen how empty the whole "thank you for your service" bullshit is. If they want to up recruiting, start looking after vets like that phrase had meaning.
When "veteran suicide" And "homeless veterans" are common phrases in society, it doesn't exactly encourage people to sign up.
Creative_Cry7532 t1_j40jgho wrote
All jokes aside, this guy get it. Not sure why you got downvoted, but I think you actually have the most relevant comment.
The_Lapsed_Pacifist t1_j40jhe7 wrote
They gotta eat something
bad-autocorrect-bot t1_j40kbx2 wrote
Im barely surviving, and i make more than that, why the fuck would anyone want to do that?? Seriously, we dedicate hundreds of billions to our military and they dont even pay a living wage...
Are other branches any better?
The_Hemp_Cat t1_j40mxrr wrote
There was a time when a judge gave a defendant the option jail or army, academic fitness was not a great concern until the end of the draft.
AUWarEagle82 t1_j40ngt1 wrote
McNamara tried this during Viet Nam. He drafted people who were "differently-abled" and he put a lot of people into combat who ought never have been put in the military to begin with. And many of these men died because they were utterly unsuited for military service.
SteveHeist t1_j40nhw3 wrote
Probably not. Federal job, federal minimum wage.
IntincrRecipe t1_j40o2g1 wrote
No, pay is standardized across all branches. The usual rebuttal that leadership and the DoD as a whole gives is along the lines of “WeLl YoU gEt BeNeFiTs On ToP oF tHaT lIkE hOuSiNg, MeDiCaL, aNd DeNtAl, So StOp CoMpLaInInG.”
No-Entertainer-2862 t1_j40o345 wrote
Coast Guard here and most of my friends and family have some military affiliation.bthe other branches are no better. Thankfully the medical benefits and housing helps a lot so there is a lot of variance depending on a lot of factors.
KentuckyFriedEel t1_j40qxk1 wrote
Fodder Company
Zerox_Z21 t1_j40tkl5 wrote
See, I figured it was that people who meet the educational standards increasingly have the sense to not enlist, seeing as the last few decades of war have been of questionable moral value and veterans are not looked after once they've been used.
Pktur3 t1_j40tz0c wrote
The military is often hilariously dumb with retention because it’s assumed you don’t need anything and you give everything. Instead of helping to keep people in shape, there’s a ton of bureaucracy and culture shaming to fail someone out. So, instead of improving an asset they’ve put money into, they toss it out. It makes no sense in this age of recruiting and retention.
lifeinvaders t1_j40u3v8 wrote
Just drop the cannabis and you will have a lot more people joining
bluelion70 t1_j40u7v3 wrote
Public education can’t do anything for people who refuse to utilize the resources available to them. In 10 years, 80% of my current students will be on Reddit whining how they were never taught anything in school and it’s so unfair and education is so shitty. None of them will actually take responsibility for the decisions and choices that led them to actively disrupt their own education and the educations of everyone around them on a daily basis.
Public education works great, for children whose parents have taught them to value learning, curiosity, and reading. It can’t do anything for children whose parents gave them a tablet at age 2, and then stuck them in the corner to play games, in order to avoid the actual work of parenting.
methpartysupplies t1_j40uwpb wrote
My man 👉😎👉
RPBN t1_j40wzdf wrote
At Ft Jackson they shared a platoon with people who got injured and were waiting to class up again. Fitco was a really boring three months of my life I'll never get back.
Manawski_ t1_j40x6sk wrote
What is your amount for a "living wage" when the following are provided:
1.) Housing (Either housing on base or tax-free Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH))
2.) Food (Either on-base food or tax-free Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS))
3.) Healthcare (100% coverage free of charge)
4.) GI Bill
5.) Pension plan
RPBN t1_j40x72k wrote
6'2" 145 I could do sit ups all day, but pushups sucked for me. The run got better over time.
RPBN t1_j40xdp6 wrote
Meal Team 6.
andre6682 t1_j40xq51 wrote,000
it isn´t the first time, just watch private leonard lawrence, or private plye by hartmann in full metal jacket, that is the kind of people you do not want in uniform, same with cops or any other armed job
VolkClawtooth t1_j40z4h6 wrote
Yup and the PT methods broke bodies then too....
account_not_valid t1_j410gnk wrote
It's not a flaw, it's a feature.
Reduce education, opportunities and healthcare, and people will be thankful that they can sign up to a military that provides all those.
Spiderbanana t1_j410ymv wrote
Isn't the Airforce already an "out of shape" unit ?
Manawski_ t1_j410zbm wrote
Base pay, sure. If they're calculating in BAS/BAH, then 40k isn't far off.
If it were a true apples-to-apples like some fresh out of high school retail worker making 23k was going up against our hypothetical E-1 buddy to rent an apartment off-base (highly improbable that an E-1 ends up off-base but let's just play the game here), the E-1 is going to all of the sudden have a whole lot of tax-free BAH money to pay rent where the civilian can go kick rocks.
MillwrightTight t1_j41145o wrote
Hammerpamf t1_j411guz wrote
People are forgetting all of this. I was stationed at Ft. Carson. The average monthly rent in Colorado Springs is $1500, monthly health insurance premium $370, food for 1 $300.
That's 24k a year in benefits without considering the GI bill. Some states, like Illinois, will also pay for 4 years of tuition/fees to CC and state schools. Illinois does this with the IVG (Illinois veterans grant).
My 4 years of service was well worth it.
Hammerpamf t1_j411ng8 wrote
Because you don't have to pay for rent, health insurance, food, or college?
25StarGeneralZap t1_j411xz6 wrote
Thankfully I was always in the 11-12 on the 2 mile run. Sit-ups we’re always 52 and stop, once I got there, push ups were 42 and stop!!😂😂🤣NEVER tell me the minimums cause that’s what I’m gonna shoot for!
25StarGeneralZap t1_j4120ka wrote
Also, you’re right! Push up/sit up SUCKS the taller you are
Omegastrator t1_j4122i5 wrote
Actual Gravy Seals?
jinladen040 t1_j4125gd wrote
If society cant find use of them, the military sure will. They dont waste bodies.
DamnBunny t1_j412al0 wrote
Its because the cost of one life means nothing to the military or government. We all saw what happened to the ones who went to "fight" for a lie, after 9/11. They think they can have our kids. But we remember the lies.
galaxy_van t1_j412crq wrote
Here come the gravy seals!
I'm buttering all the buns on a gravy train 🎶
Own-Opinion-2494 t1_j415po3 wrote
Motivation platoon
arkofjoy t1_j416cqq wrote
But it, unfortunately, ignores the narrative of American exceptionalism. With many American's that amounts to heresy.
Kaiisim t1_j416y74 wrote
I knew someone and the military paid for his liposuction lmao.
Mobely t1_j417ky1 wrote
I couldn't find administrative discharge as an option. I found these.
Honorable Discharge.
General Discharge.
Entry-Level Separation.
Medical Discharge.
Other Than Honorable Discharge.
Bad Conduct Discharge.
Dishonorable Discharge.
Dismissal (Officer Discharge)
I'm wondering what benefits you'd get if you got admin discharge.
Mikeavelli t1_j418h08 wrote
Most of the middle of your list are sub-categories of an administrative discharge. The paperwork starts as an admin, and that is characterized as honorable, general, other than honorable, etc depending on what you did to get discharged and how the discharge board feels about that.
StupiderIdjit t1_j418iok wrote
BAS is immediately lost to pay for a meal card.
x31b t1_j419ipd wrote
I had to scroll all the way down to get to McNamara’s Morons.
Mobely t1_j419z88 wrote
I'm just curious what benefits i could get for failing out of fat camp. Looks like everything except GI bill.
blazinrumraisin t1_j41a78k wrote
"What are we, some kind of suicide squad?"
[deleted] t1_j41c16s wrote
MJGM235 t1_j41c8ll wrote
Meat shields 😂🤦🏻♂️
BouNcYToufU t1_j41cf7d wrote
honestly... I don't feel like physical scores are that important. There are plenty of jobs in the military that really never need any physicality to it... but academic scores... that's like the police academy I was teaching at allowing cadets to fail one out of three law classes because they were just struggling to pass all three classes.
trollsong t1_j41cnew wrote
If you can't shoot, recruit?
Paladoc t1_j41cvph wrote
In a nigh infinitesimal number of cases would BAH/BAS be approved for an E-1, but you can calculate like a third of that rate, as they do get fed and housed, just sometimes in 24 man bays or 4-6 man rooms.
Paladoc t1_j41d2r0 wrote
Texas has Hazelwood, you enter as a Texas resident, you get 120 hours of college at public schools covered, in addition to GI Bill
lodelljax t1_j41dlyi wrote
Fuck we needed this 20 years ago. Also a good screening for ADHD, fuck recruiters send some poor dudes who can’t focus more than 30 seconds to boot camp.
Fair_Result357 t1_j41f5u9 wrote
There was a special "pre-boot" camp for soldiers that could meet the paper fitness requirements (weight/height ratio) when I was in during the 90s. After the initial in processing they made everyone due pushups and if you couldn't do at least 13 (which is a really pitiful amount for anyone who actual thinks they can be a solider) was sent to that a special 2 week pt focused mini boot camp before starting the actual training. This really isn't anything different accept they are creating a new version for the academically challenged and the lazy.
Litenpes t1_j41h2ic wrote
Aka ”Meat shield Company” / ”The Expendables”
EmmaLouLove t1_j41h364 wrote
“I've got a slight weight problem. Yeah, yeah I do. Yeah, I do. I went to this doctor. Well, he told me I swallow a lot of aggression... along with a lot of pizzas! Ha Ha Ha! Pizzas! I'm basically a shy person, I'm a shy guy. Uh, he suggested taking one these uh, aggression training courses. You know these aggression training courses like EST, those type of things. Anyway, it cost 400 bucks! 400 bucks to join this thing? Well I didn't have the money and I thought to myself, "Join the army"! John Candy, Ox, Stripes
mykulFritz t1_j41h66k wrote
I tried to join the last year I was eligible as far as H goes. I was disqualified because I was on ADHD medication. Interesting that anti-depressants and things like that they want you off of for three months and ADHD medication they want you off of for two years. You can be on the medication I was on in the army. Maybe they should consider revising those policies.
lostnumber08 t1_j41hdcm wrote
Interesting. They might have had some other condition which would necessitate such a procedure. Drill Sergeants are very effective weight loss tools otherwise.
imnotafi5h t1_j41ibnw wrote
Hey, almost like watching a 20 year war with no quantifiable results beyond padding defense industry stocks let people know what they were actually signing up to die for.
ImaginaryDonut69 t1_j41iqgi wrote
At some point it's just going to be an unusually intense fat camp 😂
ImaginaryDonut69 t1_j41ixok wrote
They're worried more about the fat between your thighs than the fat between your ears.
wrong-mon t1_j41jwq8 wrote
It's more about the fact that the people who are physically and mentally capable simply art applying to become a soldier.
There's still a lot of people who could be American soldiers who simply aren't joining the military after years and years of meaningless war
linuxfit t1_j41jzeo wrote
Sounds like the plot for an 80's comedy. #PoliceAcademy.
Redawg660 t1_j41k6zk wrote
“ Lighten up Francis” Staff Sergeant Hulka. Lol. Thanks for the fond memory.
SnowinMiami t1_j41kk77 wrote Increase education and healthcare and you wouldn’t have senseless wars. Think about it.
Stravven t1_j41nw4l wrote
Not to mention people for administrative jobs. And you don't need to be in tip top shape to sit behind a desk.
account_not_valid t1_j41pfm1 wrote
Sure, but think about the shareholders!
KezAzzamean t1_j41qizq wrote
I’m not “pro military” or whatever. Personally think the army is about 10x too large and too budgeted. Would rather see that money go into social programs. Anyway, this doesn’t seem that bad of a thing.
Imagine if someone who was qualified but was 30 pounds too heavy to enlist. It’s basically a pre-boot camp to get prepared. Or some ethnic minority who grew up in a shit ass ghetto to a crack head and dropped out and now wants to try and do better but is behind to the point they need to catch up.
If it wasn’t being used for the wrong reasons it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Truth is, the rest of the army is gonna make fun of them and it’s going to be a new joke about soldiers. Most of them will get the shittiest of jobs. And budget increases may come to help these because there is more money than people.
Truly fuck the military industrial complex. But there is a bigger problem here than this
Krzd t1_j41sn17 wrote
Yeah, but then a lot more will survive till retirement, that's not good for the shareholders
AtuinTurtle t1_j41trpz wrote
As a teacher, a kid has to give at least half of a shit before I can help them.
faste30 t1_j41w1of wrote
Or that people who meet those standards arent interested in going into the army...
faste30 t1_j41w8i7 wrote
Really all of the armed services. I know everyone makes fun of POGs, the Chair Force, etc, but I knew a bunch of marines that never even left the continental US and had a logistics job, etc.
monogreenforthewin t1_j41wdak wrote
just sometimes in 24 man bays or 4-6 man rooms.
that's really only in training or deployment scenarios. stateside, i never had more than two soldiers to a room in the barracks.
faste30 t1_j41wt9e wrote
So much truth, especially from the right, performative patriotism. You walk around pretending every single person in the service/police/etc is a hero ordained by god, even if they were logistics. And if you don't you're an american hating commie!
But, for some odd reason, when it comes time to want to spend money on healthcare, living conditions, pay, etc for those same people it's only the american hating commies who want to talk about it.
monogreenforthewin t1_j41x3vj wrote
well that works for one side. no guarantee that the other side will choose education and healthcare and become less prone to violence.
that said i do think as a species if we looked out for each more (education, healthcare, and a host of other things) we'd definitely have less senseless violence.
BMXTKD t1_j420dzs wrote
The pork chop platoons.
BMXTKD t1_j420q1f wrote
So quick question, would you get a duck dinner for having too many duck dinners? Rimshot
WWDubz t1_j42219n wrote
Yes, because the US military is all about standards
UpbeatCheetah7710 t1_j422ump wrote
Ah yes, the rules of keeping busy in the Army. Find something and move it. If it won’t move, paint it. If you can’t paint it find something else and move it. Otherwise you get a quick trip to the most mundane detail the ol’ butterbar has brewed up for the day.
AetherBones t1_j423rsz wrote
Maybe less military budget and more taxes go to improving society, like education and information such as making internet a utility and providing it to everyone?
Currently nearly all our income tax goes to military, veterans and debt from our wars.
Infinite_Flatworm_44 t1_j42jwn6 wrote
If they don’t meet the academic and fitness standards they can become a liability and risk to our soldiers that did meet the requirements. This is why we have standards. This is not a pre-boot camp. They are changing the goalposts and lowering the bar for standards to get more recruits instead of setting up programs for these under performers to train and learn UNTIL they can perform like the rest before them.
03_blue09_93 t1_j42k36z wrote
I think its a good idea I’ve learned more in the service and they also provide schooling if one is interested. Plus now a days the academic bar is so low that it probably reached the core of the earth by now. I’m not gonna lie i meet some people that are as dumb as a box of rocks so I’m glad they are trying to set them up for success. Along with fitness some people are either overweight or wayyy to underweight and can’t reach the minimum standard for physical fitness.
smoke99999 t1_j42tezz wrote
I'm sorry I have to admit my age here and ask a question
how can you score below a 21 on the ASVAB? I joined the USMC back in the late 1980's straight out of high school. My ASVAB score was 89 and I took it just because it got me out of class for half a day. I had no real intention of enlisting at that time. I enlisted in the Corps as a 1345 thats engineer mechanical operator and went to boot as an E2 the entire time I was there I got paid more than the 0300 grunts. Even they had to score higher than 21 to join the Marines. I am fairly sure you get 17 points just for writing your name on the top of the form and extra points if you don't eat the crayon. It wasn't my flavor so I returned it when I was done. I like grape, and it was red.
Maniachanical t1_j42xn9e wrote
Return of the McNamors?
Numerous_Biscotti_89 t1_j42y02b wrote
Processed foods and office/sedentary jobs. Lots of weird ans shitty stuff all tangled into itself.
Numerous_Biscotti_89 t1_j42ylmm wrote
I don't actually condone this for a pile of reasons, but could you just imagine the right wing's heads exploding if the immigrants coming over had to enlist to fill the gap in recruiting?
LordJebusVII t1_j4366up wrote
Army Academy, the Police Academy reboot you didn't ask for
MRtenbux t1_j43876x wrote
Hey! I saw Stripes
blacknyourma t1_j43bmq1 wrote
This has always been a thing
prefer-to-stay-anon t1_j43e6ai wrote
And people who meet the educational standards are more likely to be able to afford college, get scholarships, etc, not need GI bill benefits for healthcare, college, and homes, etc.
The benefits of the military are not as great when you already have the benefits.
HumanConsideration61 t1_j43esfb wrote
The fuck are you talking about? The taliban/ISIS were the one putting ordinance and shit on their women and children and detonating it in crowds. You sound like a 12 year old who asschugged bullshit propaganda and thinks war is some Fortnite lobby.
There is almost a divine sense of ironic idiocy to think that the guys who were trying to kill the sick fucks who were abusing women and children were somehow the ones doing that shit. I can guarantee my fucking life that the soldiers who have to live with killing a kid sleep a LOT worse than the bastards who strapped bombs to them. Or beat them. Or raped them. Or poured boiling fucking water on them. Or stoned them.
justforthearticles20 t1_j43tnbv wrote
Sounds like this should be a Russian Headline. Reject Brigade sent to front.
Paladoc t1_j44nq9q wrote
Yep, why I said sometimes. Someone shouldn't be an E1 for that long post boot
The_Dankinator t1_j44slqf wrote
Fat company
I can't deny
Fat, fat company
'Til the day I die
Until the day I die
SnowinMiami t1_j450hml wrote
What shareholders?! You mean arms dealers? They do not share anything.
account_not_valid t1_j454s6y wrote
Of the military industrial complex.
Jdog6984 t1_j45c94b wrote
I once passed a PT test with a 180. I've seen people fail with 220 and 240
SnowinMiami t1_j46tohb wrote
Grumman Northrop has for years been selling the army on developing systems they already know won’t work but ask for additional funding anyway. Billions going to shareholders and it’s all fraud.
Khemith t1_j49aorg wrote
Ironic. The trillions of dollars spent on the military used to protect capitalism has created a nation of fat lazy people who need to be recruited to keep the military going.
medlifechick t1_j3ya8j2 wrote
Well, they already forgo psychological standards...