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Larry-Shwa OP t1_j3z392k wrote

It's mind blowing that the world refuses to adapt to using hemp as a renewable alternative to thousands of products. Not to mention the merciless exploration and exploitation of oil, lumber and plastics that are destroying our world to the point of no return.


Larry-Shwa OP t1_j3z4zh2 wrote

The US is the biggest industrialized nation so it really is no surprise that they are the biggest opposers to industrialized hemp but if their smart they will catch up or they will get left behind.


hannahmontana1814 t1_j3z9kxo wrote

Slowly but surely, new laws and regulations for industrial hemp advance. But at what cost? The cost of our freedom?


[deleted] t1_j3zdfuv wrote

I’m all for industrial hemp, but this thread is not designed for your cross posting propaganda.


Larry-Shwa OP t1_j4085t4 wrote

Oh but it is. This sub is about outrageous situations and hemp not being utilized while our planet struggles under the weight of wasteful and damaging resources is outrageous. Don't you think?
