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Familiar_Pea_9345 t1_j5saxww wrote

Guess that makes Ted a liar now, don’t it


marioquartz t1_j5suunn wrote

He is not liar. He have more information than you. If you like a show dont mean that is succesful.


Familiar_Pea_9345 t1_j5sxdlo wrote

Oh yeah? It’s not like the writing hasn’t been on the walls for years. The joke used to be that they were so desperate for content that they’d greenlight anything. Now their quantity over quality strategy is backfiring and they’re known for canceling anything before it has a chance to become popular. The executives at Netflix are misunderstanding their customers’ behaviors, which is obvious if you’ve ever read through any posts about shows that are canceled. Who wants to invest in watching a show when it might be canceled before it’s conclusion? Sometimes they don’t even adequately market shows. How can a show become “popular” when too few people know it exists?
