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Nagger_Luvver t1_j4ao80n wrote

Weird that republicans can't grow a spine until they retire.


The-friar t1_j4bhium wrote

Ryan is just saying this to give some cover for Kevin McCarthy, who was forced to make embarrassing concessions to the far right to win the gavel that made the speakership much, much weaker. Indeed it was probably better that the speaker was so powerful, so that they could still make deals and work around the extremes of the party


BartholomewBandy t1_j4boigp wrote

This is the answer. McCarthy has no room to negotiate, he has no control of the crazy right and is very likely to fuck up our credit rating as a country, here in the next few weeks. In chaos is opportunity, and here he is, the previous weakest speaker in our times… He should have gone into the cannabis business, like that hypocrite Boehner.


twoaspensimages t1_j4ce4i9 wrote

Honest question. At what point does the GOP fucking over the country not benefit the billionaires that fund their campaigns?


playbeautiful t1_j4dmq9y wrote

They won’t let the US default, their sugar daddy’s would never allow it


LurkethInTheMurketh t1_j4dnyxi wrote

All economic downturn short of societal collapse can be turned to billionaires’ benefit. Do not forget that a significant subsection of their donors either are or are aligned with literal enemies of the state a la Russia and China, among others.


start3ch t1_j4ccagh wrote

Fuck up our credit rating? What’s going on now


twoaspensimages t1_j4cejym wrote

Shutting down the government to stick it to the libs could weaken the US credit rating. Which will weaken the petrodollar and cause real harm to the economy.


diomedes_13 t1_j4cia2p wrote

The debt limit is about to be hit, which has to be raised by congress. If they don't raise it we can default on our national debt shortly after.


HungerMadra t1_j4b759i wrote

To be fair, I can't imagine any government official giving up power


Nokomis34 t1_j4bg5fk wrote

Despite everything else, this is why George Washington is a big deal.

"When told by the American artist Benjamin West that Washington was going to resign, King George III of England said "If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."

Edit. Ok, so I found this regarding that quote.

Quote #1

"If he does that he will be the greatest man in the world!"

  • George III to Benjamin West after learning George Washington was going to resign his commission as Commander of the Continental Congress and return to Mount Vernon.

George's Commission

You'll find this quote on the Fount of All Knowledge sometimes with a description of a meeting where King George asked his then-court painter, Benjamin West, what George Washington was planning to do now that peace had been agreed to. Benjamin replied (we read) that George was going to resign his commission. Then King George made his famous exclamation.

Certainly a great quote (and it also appears in some bonafide, albeit relatively recent, history books) it is indeed a "reconstruction". Its source is a memorandum book of Rufus King, the now-forgotten Founding Father who later served as minister to Britain. The book contained a letter written May 3, 1797 where Rufus wrote about a recent conversation with Benjamin West. The letter is (with modern spelling and punctuation added):

Mr. West called on me. We entered into politics after speaking of the Dinner at the Royal Academy and of the annual exhibition

Mr. West said things respecting America had changed very much, that people who could not formerly find words of unkindness enough now talked in a different language, that the King had lately spoken in the most explicit manner of the wisdom of the American government and of the abilities and great worth of the characters she produced and employed. He said the King had lately used very handsome expressions respecting Mr. Jay and and that he also spoke in a very pleasing manner of Mr. Gore.

But that in regard to General Washington, he told him since his resignation that in his opinion "that act closing and finishing what had gone before and viewed in connection with it, placed him in a light the most distinguished of any man living, and that he thought him the greatest character of the age."

So there was no record of any meeting with George III and Benjamin right after the Revolution. And the letter recording the conversation itself was written only in 1797 and is secondhand at best.

Still although King George may not have said exactly what is in the famous quote, certainly the sentiments were there.

Source: The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King , Charles King (Editor), Volume III, 1896


aidan8et t1_j4b7u8d wrote

>any elected government official


There are countless people in "hired" positions that are not power hungry monsters... I mean... Politician.

Anyone with enough arrogance to run for a political office automatically loses some of my respect.


psilocin72 t1_j4bdyeu wrote

The people least fit to be in positions of power are the only ones who can get them.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j4bl0im wrote

False. They are also power hungry monsters.


aidan8et t1_j4bm3qg wrote

I mean... Postal workers, grounds keepers, and desk clerks are also all govt workers. Not sure exactly what "power trip" the person cutting grass at the park would get.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_j4brs9r wrote

> Not sure exactly what "power trip" the person cutting grass at the park would get.

You've never been accosted for walking on someone else's grass before?


the_fly_guy0423 t1_j4bsrpu wrote

not by city workers maintaining public lands, it's always been private landowners making a fuss


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_j4bvg7o wrote

I don't think that is accurate, unfortunately. Whether someone is a government employee or a private landowner really makes no difference about whether or not they're gonna be a douche to you.


the_fly_guy0423 t1_j4bzjf7 wrote

ofc not, just sharing my experiences when i have to cut corners through a patch of grass 😂


SugarSweetSonny t1_j4fia4q wrote

There is a long held belief that not only should government officials have power but they need to preserve it (for "the institution") so thats it there even when they no longer are.

Its a weird thinking. Like instead of thinking "hey one day my enemy will have this job", they think, we must make this office/job MORE powerful all the time.

Even the courts are getting in on the act now (and giving themselves more work as a result).


hamsterfolly t1_j4c3ozu wrote

“Party above all, screw the People!” -Republican Party motto


PloppyCheesenose t1_j4euxcd wrote

Paul Ryan once fell down the stairs. Witnesses said it took five minutes and he looked like a Slinky.


SquishyBoggle t1_j4ew8bs wrote

I misred your username and was like “no way Reddit let that through”


Your_Fault_Not_Mine t1_j4d0c5s wrote

Then you have Diane Feinstein who should have died 10 years ago embarrassing herself.


[deleted] t1_j4bl461 wrote



poboy212 t1_j4bmj8t wrote

No, enough if this ‘both sides are bad’ shit. The GOP has become a fucking menace and it isn’t even close. Zero interest in actually governing. Their sole goal is to just troll the left.


[deleted] t1_j4bzyhj wrote



poboy212 t1_j4c0w1z wrote

It really isn’t. The left doesn’t worship its politicians. It isn’t a cult. The left politicians aren’t perfect and they get criticism. There aren’t people driving around with giant Biden flags on their pickup trucks.


yosoydorf t1_j4bb4ma wrote

Republican toes party line and does what he’s told while in office just as any democrat would do. More at 11. Give me a break.


passwordsarehard_3 t1_j4bg1ll wrote

That’s not really being honest is it? Democrats vote with their hearts instead of their minds, republicans vote with the party. Look what happened to Liz Cheney when she didn’t tow the party line.


bhollis6895 t1_j4eiww7 wrote

“Democrats vote with their hearts” don’t let any of these politicians fool you.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j4bl7wv wrote

Lol are you on crack? I have nothing good to say about pelosi, hit her ability to keep dems in line is legendary.


yosoydorf t1_j4bohbw wrote

Pelosi made over $100M while in office by voting with her HEART using this one simple trick


Col__Hunter_Gathers t1_j4c8zml wrote

I mean, she clearly loves money, so OP ain't wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yosoydorf t1_j4cbhcb wrote

The heart wants what the heart wants. If the Heart just so happens to want $20 ice cream and Napa Valley vintages, what else is one to do?


passwordsarehard_3 t1_j4bmicq wrote

And why is that? Pelosi is the exception that proves the rule, it’s impressive she got them to tow the line because dems usually don’t. When was the last time you were impressed every republican voted for a bill? That’s because they always all vote for the bill.


yosoydorf t1_j4bp3ot wrote


So why didnt the supposed Monolithic GOP give all of their votes to McCarthy from the get go, as you would expect from a. group that you claim votes party line every single time. Why did they need to go 15 rounds of voting to get it done?

Meanwhile, every single DNC member voted for Hakeem Jeffries.

You seem very, very confused.


yosoydorf t1_j4bnfez wrote

Funny, Liz Cheney is still a Republican party member.

Meanwhile Sinema left the DNC - so welcoming for those who land outside of the parties shibboleths.

Both parties suck, dumbass.


psilocin72 t1_j4bdt68 wrote

Unfortunately this is true. We need to change our government of ethics and morality matter to us at all. An ethics committee that is not a part of the group it oversees would be a start. If they get to grade themselves, they will get an A+ every time.


PartyYogurtcloset267 t1_j4b9wuj wrote

He's only "growing a spine" because the speaker is now a Democrat. Then again, what does "growing a spine" even mean? He toed the party line to great profit to himself and his donors. What exactly do you think he should have done with his time in congress?


latebloomer2015 t1_j4balmk wrote

Ummmm…I think he was speaker of the house. Which is currently held by a spineless, power hungry member of the gqp…Kevin “I will give you anything so long as I get to be be speaker and have my picture on the wall” McCarthy (R).