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SmartBoot5880 t1_j4lsip0 wrote

I love Reddit, always romanticizes the homeless and thinking they are all victims. I swear, if 90% of the people on Reddit stepped outside and into the city, they would instantly turn after watching some black hobo doing fent and screaming about his taint and Jews over and over while slowly fondling his penis.

"BUt but but, we just need to treat people with kindness all the time, and they just need more homes and houses! We need just need to build more houses!" - The morality pearl-clutching of a man or obese white woman who has never stepped outside and had an interaction with a real homeless encampment.


Dirtbag_Bob t1_j4lunmv wrote

I live in California and go to San Francisco and Oakland frequently. I'm not romanticizing anyone or the situation. The vast majority of homeless folk grew up in terrible situations, and I don't think playing opera at illegal levels from a city noise ordinance standpoint solves anything?

How would that be good for society or the situation?


SmartBoot5880 t1_j4lxyzg wrote

Because most people would rather hear slightly loud opera over watch some skitzo junkie do smack and shit all over the sidewalk while screaming incoherently?

You should know this.


Dirtbag_Bob t1_j4m8hpg wrote

But opera doesn't solve the problem is my point those people are still humans that exist in this world. At one point they were babies, kids, and now adults that are still a part of this society. There are assholes out there and some are violent and not great people at times, but still human. Many with severe mental illness and drug addiction.

Responding with neglect and being inhumane does nothing and if anything just exacerbates the problem. They'll still be out there somewhere and the neighbors are still going to have to deal with loud ass opera music instead of us as a society dealing with/helping the homeless.