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brianbezn t1_j4nbky7 wrote

it's really hard to be this ignorant, like, you probably have to had it taught wrong to you in the first place and have really bad observational skills plus not live outside much. Even then, i doubt most people would get to 15 without realising.


galahad423 t1_j4ogtr1 wrote

Presumably you’d have seen them in the sky at the same time at least once?

We’ve also definitely had multiple eclipses in her lifetime


BillTowne t1_j4ojbi8 wrote

I was in Junior High when I first noticed the moon out during the day.


AaronDoud t1_j4q11ta wrote

That seems weird. How long ago was that? Maybe this is a Mandela Effect thing lol


joan_wilder t1_j4rbcm6 wrote

Yeah, you’d prettymuch have to be raised in a cult compound somewhere. I don’t even think she’s all that funny, but the fact that people are taking a comedian seriously when she says something silly says more about them than it does about her.