Buck_Thorn t1_j4rzihs wrote
Plot twist... the guest didn't wear anything out of the ordinary for him.
Buck_Thorn t1_j4rzld2 wrote
Yeah, Tilly, my algebra teacher did, too.
DahManWhoCannahType t1_j4s0vbb wrote
I thank "her" and Hugh Mungus for the levity they bring with their trolling.
CoolBeansMan9 t1_j4s0xo8 wrote
/r/NotTheBeaverton, for us Canadian folks
PM_ur_Rump t1_j4s13xm wrote
"Crazy person does crazy thing for attention, negates real struggles of people everywhere."
More at 6:00, 8:00, and 11:00.
JenMacAllister t1_j4s1nqs wrote
... or pants.
kenlasalle t1_j4s2jkd wrote
... and only ends up embarrassing himself, as always.
[deleted] t1_j4s2jlv wrote
Core1989 t1_j4s3ea4 wrote
Faux news focusing on the important issues as always.
Xaero_Hour t1_j4s5p4c wrote
That's not what happened here. It should be, "crazy person goes on crazy person's show hosted on crazy man's network to imitate crazy person doing crazy thing for attention, all joyous participants in negating real struggles of people everywhere."
PM_ur_Rump t1_j4s6bck wrote
That's a more detailed, accurate take, yes.
Stunning_Regret6123 t1_j4s6wlp wrote
That’s literally all of tv though.
DraziBlack t1_j4s996g wrote
Menzies told Carlson he had been "banned for life" from appearing at the future Halton District School Board meetings for apparently "asking impolite questions."
A Rebel "news" "journalist" getting banned from a highschool is pretty funny.
Smoovemammajamma t1_j4sa2gb wrote
you mean gazongas?
davefanri t1_j4sc7r8 wrote
Please don't click the link. writing a gotcha article about a crazy (totally planned) thing that happened on their Whack Ass channel to get the paid impressions on their site.... infuriating.
Pirate_Ben t1_j4sdhqb wrote
samipuzzled t1_j4sfk4t wrote
I've met a lady with such large breasts before... which made her a candidate for free reduction surgery due to its toll on the vertebral column.
BlurryBigfoot74 t1_j4sit8y wrote
He's got to span different countries to find material for his narrative.
Bayoffun t1_j4sjy20 wrote
It is an embarrassment for Canada. How this is allowed is beyond ridiculous. I'm for gay, trans, whoever's rights but this weirdo should be fired. If a student dressed like this I'm sure it would be dealt with. SMH.
mymar101 t1_j4su0lj wrote
I wish there was some way of removing this clown from TV. Sadly he’d just be replaced by an even bigger embrassement
McDaddyos t1_j4svizs wrote
I just told you, Mrs. Gunderson did and probably still does.
cookiemonster247 t1_j4svzr3 wrote
Are these like prosthetic breast that dudes wearing
rood_sandstorm t1_j4t5vck wrote
He’s been waiting years for the opportunity to wear it on tv
rood_sandstorm t1_j4t62vo wrote
It’s all natural
richstowe t1_j4t7w9q wrote
Tucker is a buffoon . So are all of you in this echo chamber for giving a shit .
HRHGracktheGreat t1_j4tdghm wrote
Your hate speech has been recorded and you will be prosecuted.
Please report to your nearest constable for gender reassignment education.
ADDandKinky t1_j4tgyih wrote
Dressing in drag to own the libs?
VANILLAGORILLA1986 t1_j4tkrxe wrote
I went to that high school in Oakville…. Man my shop teacher sure has changed over the past 20 years…
Aquesm t1_j4tmsm5 wrote
Wasn’t it revealed that the teacher with the prosthetics was just a cis guy “trying to prove a point” about trans people or something?
moose2mouse t1_j4u01i0 wrote
Tucker let him borrow it from his closet.
PooperJackson t1_j4u298g wrote
PooperJackson t1_j4u2d79 wrote
I'm waiting for the actual plot twist at the end of the season. That will be the true reveal.
jlcatch22 t1_j4ugz14 wrote
I don’t know if that person is sincere or not, but it’s irrelevant to Fox News. This furthers their agenda either way.
marionetted t1_j4ugzsc wrote
Yeah tucker, I'm just gonna suck this dick right here to show you how much I dislike gay marriage.
Any_Monitor5224 t1_j4uhjdo wrote
I am a woman with large breasts. No way I could walk around braless in a tight shirt as a teacher without someone saying something to me. I have zero issue with trans folks, but this crosses a line that we hold for all people.
Say10sadvocate t1_j4uk8de wrote
Surely this teacher is only doing it to damage the trans argument, right?
Cause that's all he's achieving.
[deleted] t1_j4umpac wrote
I think Tucker wants to make sex with him/her/it
soysubstitute t1_j4uo3mh wrote
You can see it, Tucker is very turned on.
pomegranate_flowers t1_j4v0jvs wrote
It’s giving “Gavin McInnes butt plug incident”
No_Wolf3071 t1_j4v1ub3 wrote
Stunts like that will get you…. ELECTED PRESIDENT
omally_360 t1_j4vplqm wrote
I think he was showing how ridiculous it actually looked. Which it did.
adrianmakedonski t1_j4vsv3y wrote
Agreed. And I'm a trans woman with large breasts.
paxrom2 t1_j4vw8z4 wrote
Will he truly own the libs unless he actually gets a sex change?
Substantial_Pirate95 t1_j4vzhhc wrote
He is finally doing it on public.. you know he walks around his house like that
Shorty604 t1_j4w23rw wrote
I believe that guy was trying to prove a point. Instead of addressing the issue they were discussing on limiting the size of the prosthetic breasts.
MassiveStallion t1_j4w3nhm wrote
Self-hating trans traitor goes on Republican TV show to expose themselves while exploiting school teacher for a scape goat.
News at never.
Woman can have large breasts. Especially ones that are bigger and heavier. While the teacher's dress in the picture is probably inappropriate, this is just another strain of criminalizing and controlling women's bodies.
It's easy enough to tell the teacher to wear a thicker bra and frumpier clothes, it's pretty fucked up to expose them as trans and blow it up all over TV and then use it as an excuse to jump out of the closet in your own fetish gear.
YouthfulPhotographer t1_j4w45g5 wrote
Boooooooo everyone boo this man boooooooooo
mazu74 t1_j4w61yn wrote
Turns out doing that with malicious intent leads to consequences, who woulda thought?
cbk101 t1_j4wda4r wrote
Tucker is just trying to find someone to fill that hole in his life.
Justbe333 t1_j4weczm wrote
He’s one of the last journalists left on television, which is hilarious to me because 20 years ago I thought it was a pernicious little twit. Thank God I’ve gotten smarter every year since then.
Justbe333 t1_j4wem3d wrote
Parade around like a weird fuck ,get ridiculed . Gee whiz who would’ve thunk it
Justbe333 t1_j4wf3uj wrote
There’s nothing crazy about fox news . it’s the number one news channel right now and for a valid reason. because they’re the only ones who actually do news and don’t lie constantly, so is the only place on TV a neutral political person can get the least lies and propaganda. I’m not even a Republican and I would trust them over any other news source on television - that’s not where I go to get my news but the world has flipped upside down in the last decade.
MJGM235 t1_j4wfap5 wrote
Republicans ridicule "freaks" however they are ALWAYS the ones caught with Trans hookers, child porn on their computers, or trying to meet underage boys 🤦🏻♂️ Everything they do is a projection.
Justbe333 t1_j4wfbj1 wrote
They’re all fake. What difference does it make if they’re prosthetic
[deleted] t1_j4wfbz7 wrote
Justbe333 t1_j4wfozb wrote
I’ll bet you whack it to your misinformed sham jokes on chaturbate 🫦
Justbe333 t1_j4wfq86 wrote
Damn, right
cookiemonster247 t1_j4wfxkk wrote
Uhh, if they’re prosthetics you can take them off later and give you back a break. If they’re implants, the skin stretching would be insane. In fact, I don’t think that’s even possible to go half that big with implants.
Justbe333 t1_j4wgfks wrote
As long as you’re not indoctrinating children and just being yourself, I have no problem with that. Gender dysphoria is a real thing, but a lot of “trans”Aa People don’t have it. Yet get a pass and all the praise and defense in the world —-like that guy who is basically just mocking women. That’s what a lot of people don’t get when it comes to criticizing some trans people…. It’s not that they are trans or we are all hateful…Shit in life is more complicated than that.
Justbe333 t1_j4wgkh1 wrote
Yeah, but she got those at birth. She didn’t staple them on.
Severe-Cookie693 t1_j4wh0da wrote
They’re only the only one telling the truth if you assume everyone else but them is lying, often in unison.
We are the only ones telling the truth! Trust us, we swear we aren’t lying.
Justbe333 t1_j4whnsn wrote
No fox is the only one that doesn’t lie constantly, they’re pretty judgy and plenty of times get on a high horse about some shit, but they aren’t just making shit up or manipulating something that did happen to make it look like it was something else almost every other station does that I mean literally every single other major news outlet. Try looking up lies Trump tell during his presidency, then look up lies Biden told. I’m not even a republican and that disturbed me. According to taglines of googles results Trump-30000 lies. Biden 0 Which if you follow the news regularly and try to be neutral, you know that ain’t right. I think the people who own all these networks need to be investigated because so many of them just make stuff up and people buy it that’s dangerous. I didn’t realize it was that outta control till this week.
Stunning_Regret6123 t1_j4whsvt wrote
Do we have the same Fox News?
Justbe333 t1_j4whx4s wrote
There’s only one, so yeah
Stunning_Regret6123 t1_j4wi7tl wrote
We have wildly different experiences watching the same channel then. Reality is funny sometimes.
adrianmakedonski t1_j4wj8yw wrote
Define "indoctrinating children". Every time I hear that, people equate it with "telling kids that trans people exist" or "telling kids that it's ok if they're LGBTQ".
Justbe333 t1_j4wj9ig wrote
That’s why I gave them any credit in the first place is I’ve had a mental block on them for about 20 years anything they say I just don’t wanna hear it cause fuck them I’ll get my news somewhere else. Then I realized how often the other outlets were flat out lying because I pay attention. I would instantly know some of the things they were lying about look up things that would corroborate my memory to make sure and sure is hell they were lying so I started back checking them on anything that they claimed that was outrageous or damning. They mostly just lie. This has not been the case throughout my life, in fact, until about 6 months before Trump became president CNN was mostly honest. You can always trust CNN to be left leaning but fair not liars. I don’t know what the fuck happened but now it’s practically all of them. I still hate Hannity and I don’t care to watch Fox like my parents would I’ll just catch the highlights but when I check them for bullshit by digging around, I don’t find lies. Or at least I haven’t found one for quite a while and don’t think for one second that doesn’t pain me to have to admit I used to hate Tucker Carlson_he was a joke on CNN. Now, he’s one of the better journalists alive. Hate having to say it ,but fair is fair.
Ban-Circumcision-Now t1_j4wjen8 wrote
If you use the term “News” loosely enough
It’s more of a political commentary than news channel
Stunning_Regret6123 t1_j4wkf2b wrote
I kind of like Epoch, but their agenda is really clear in their coverage. Most of Fox is political commentary. When they actually do journalism, they’re not the worst, but literally no one anymore is clear on where the lines in their content are.
I respect the journey you’ve been on with them. Kudos to you for paying attention, checking sources and verifying information.
Edit: I love how pointing out things like in Capitalist America, to modern news outlets YOU are the product they are selling gets you down votes. I never understood the Cynic philosophers until Reddit. I owe you all for that, so I am grateful.
McDaddyos t1_j4wkqwb wrote
>Yeah, but she got those at birth.
What difference does that make?
Please, do elaborate on what you could possibly mean by this.
Justbe333 t1_j4wmg55 wrote
They don’t need to know that. I’m not saying it because I’m trying to deny that the existence of LGBTQ people or trans people they’re not your kids. they don’t need to know anything except what they need to know as kids. And the are smart but naive and enormously curious and bold. If they see a trans person or an LGBT couple or whatever out and about they can ask their parents, they have the Internet all of them have cell phones. They can ask other kids and other adults if they’re really curious and don’t accept their parents answer .hell they can look it up most kids now use the internet- i taught myself at 8, then taught my mom. ..if they feel on the inside like they might be like that person, the resources are out there for them to find out and they are not hidden in the least- its everywhere. unless something like that is the case ,they don’t need to know, why do people feel like it’s their place or even important to the child? The child is aware of something that may not affect them whatsoever? It’s not hiding it from them, but kids are influential creatures. They are sponges with infinite imaginations and are constantly finding themselves .they see a spaceman, They want to be a spaceman. They see us dude in a dress(cross dresser, not a trans woman). They want a dress and they want to parade around with feathers like that guy. Which is fine. Hell i used to pretend i was Chun-Li from street fighter and do lunge kicks at my buddy playing e-honda on the trampoline. I did that, naturally, without even being introduced all this stuff, and let them be kids. when ppL start trying to introduce concepts, like ideology identity and all that stuff to kids, then of course they likely will start thinking on that stuff early even before puberty and they don’t need to. It may not be with a malicious intent, but you just programed someone else’s child giving them information that wasn’t your place to give them. They do it on their own in their own timeframe trying to accelerate it in someone else’s child is just wrong. Adults the bad ones and there are a lot of bad ones are aware of how impressionable children are. The world isn’t majorally full of good, honorable and honest people as I’m sure you have observed, it’s quite the opposite. That’s why we tear up when we see a video on YouTube of a kind hearted person stopping someone from hurting themselves or others, by just being human... because it’s actually a rare thing to witness so it touches us. then I see teachers doing videos _saying that they’re talking to their first grade kids about this and they’re not sharing the information or even that they had a discussion with the parents ,they’re hiding it, and that makes me scowl and raise my eyebrow. There are more reasons that are suspect or Not noble in doing that, than good reasons. Namely, because it was the teacher who brought all this crap up in the first place the kids were supposed to be learning their times tables… let’s say it’s not grooming or recruiting at that point then it’s trying to get validation from innocent minds that aren’t going to judge and criticize harshly. That’s not the place of a teacher. That’s not their job. That’s what therapy and group meetings are for. It doesn’t come down to. I don’t want my kid to be that when it comes down to is I don’t want my kid to be that when it wasn’t 100% their own idea. Maybe with some parents it is the first one but far less than it is the other day. I’m sorry for how long as it is I don’t have time to proofread it. My phone is dying I don’t wanna lose it.
Deathbyseagulls2012 t1_j4wmmmn wrote
Dude… come on now.
[deleted] t1_j4wpg1i wrote
Justbe333 t1_j4wpqqf wrote
Goddamnit just fucking read it and don’t be lazy. I went through all that trouble for a damn good reason.
adrianmakedonski t1_j4wqcc0 wrote
...I did though
Justbe333 t1_j4wqm8b wrote
and THATS what you took from it?!
adrianmakedonski t1_j4wr2qj wrote
Yeah. Kids don't become trans because they are made aware of the possibility. I knew I didn't want to be a boy from like age 6. Nobody indoctrinated me, in fact it was quite the opposite from my parents. (You know, parents, the people you're suggesting should teach their kids about this kind of stuff)
Justbe333 t1_j4wsasc wrote
Not only are you not qualified to make that claim, nor is there adequate research data to do so regardless ____you’re lying or incorrect. Yes, they absolutely -do. Maybe not all of them you got your kids who are going to go ‘ewww no way’. The ones who will go ‘I look fabulous don’t’ and then you’ve got your kids that OK well ‘I don’t know maybe wouldnt hurt to think about it’ and that’s the ones right there. Those are the kids you would be hitting and don’t you sit there and say it doesn’t happen. if you want to contest that they don’t ….then why don’t you explain what DEtransitioning is all about, because I’ve heard it from a bunch of people who have DEtransitioned, they get exiled from your ‘army of equality’ so maybe you don’t hear from them very often because you’re not looking for them. but I would like to hear your perspective.
NomadicJellyfish t1_j4wt482 wrote
>you just programed someone else’s child giving them information that wasn’t your place to give them
>let’s say it’s not grooming or recruiting at that point then it’s trying to get validation from innocent minds that aren’t going to judge and criticize harshly.
And there it is. Acknowledging the existence of lgbtq people isn't recruiting any more than having a book where a man and a woman kiss is grooming. Either come right out and say you believe being gay is a choice, or admit that hiding the existence of lgbtq people from children is ridiculous.
adrianmakedonski t1_j4wt6rx wrote
I looked for them for years because I wanted to understand their side. Most of the time, they detransition because of their societal setting. They live in a very conservative area and don't pass as the gender they want to be perceived as, so they get hate every day. They can either leave or detransition and oftentimes, leaving is harder. I feel so bad for those people.
Have you looked up the percentage of detransitioning people? Last I checked it was like less than 1-3% and again, a majority are because of the people around them being shitty.
pulseout t1_j4wtju8 wrote
Those giant fake breasts cost at least $300, you don't usually drop that kind of money on a joke you're only going to use once
logan2043099 t1_j4wtnza wrote
It kinda seems like you've gotten dumber actually.
logan2043099 t1_j4wu0qk wrote
Fox News shouldn't be allowed on here it's not oniony for them to spread their hate and propaganda.
[deleted] t1_j4wu5ec wrote
Justbe333 t1_j4wy6lp wrote
Dunning-Kruger in full effect…. Don’t worry, you’ll probably outgrow it.
To think you know anything about my level of intelligence based off two or three posts on a website is pretty stupid even for stupid .
I didn’t say I’m a fucking genius or that I’m smarter than everyone else but I’m smart enough to know that for all i know , which is alot, that I still don’t know shit. And there will always be more to know. Least I stay on top of it, which is more than I can say for most people i come across. I question things that I am sure I know and question myself constantly. Learned it from my mentor George Carlin. question everything
logan2043099 t1_j4wygr3 wrote
If George Carlin was your mentor and you ended up believing Fox News is the source of truth then you should go back and rewatch all his material because buddy you missed some things.
Justbe333 t1_j4wymtl wrote
That is pure nonsense. Why don’t you do some YouTubeing in the wild. You don’t wanna hear my takes on it you won’t listen anyway, so why don’t you hear it from them make it a task this year question one of your own perspective by listening to people in your own clique, or rather who used to be I haven’t come across a single one that said they had to detransition because of their “ conservative” family that sounds like some thing the LGBTQ would claim to further shit on people who don’t go along with every single thing that they say is
adrianmakedonski t1_j4x1j8z wrote
What is nonsense? Can you please show me what you're talking about??
Also, why restrict knowledge in the off chance that 1% of trans people detransition? Of like the 0.5% of humans in general that are trans?
Justbe333 t1_j4x5k2m wrote
The bulk of people de transition, because of conservative family, that that is, what’s nonsense
No, .005% of Americans identify as trans.
If you want me to be generous .006.
Justbe333 t1_j4x5rce wrote
I didn’t say it was the source of all truth I said it was the only major news outlet on television that is any source of truth and I rewatch his material about every three weeks for 25 years,thank you.
I still don’t trust everything fox has to say I didn’t say everything they say, is true, or that they were the only ones at all who told the truth, but they are the only MSM that seemingly tells the truth only because I have not been able to debunk them on anything that needed to be examined or was arguably. Bear in mind I don’t have television I don’t sit there with Fox News on all day watching Fox News. These are just the times that I go online when major shit happens and people are bitching about it to see what’s up. All the in between times couldn’t tell ya, but when it has come to things, people are invested in they have a good track record with me this decade in 2000 I couldn’t stand them and I hated Bill O’Reilly with a passion.
adrianmakedonski t1_j4x75z0 wrote
Please please please proofread your comments. They're unintelligible sometimes.
Are you saying that most trans people detransition? Or that most trans people with conservative families detransition? I literally can't understand you.
Fine, my numbers were off.
Buck_Thorn t1_j4x7yee wrote
The things one learns on Reddit!
Justbe333 t1_j4x9w3e wrote
I was saying, the reason people de transition cannot be mostly due to a conservative family that made them do it, or gave them little choice… I cannot believe that for two reasons
- it just sounds like an LGBT talking point to stir up shit and there’s so many of those and many are beyond lazy and angering.
- If they were in a conservative household, they wouldn’t have had the possibility of transitioning in the first place. And knowing where they live, snd who their parents are , they would have known that before even trying.
Just so we’re on the same page De-transitioning would be qualified as —- I got the surgery and/or I took the hormones long enough to have permanent or long-term changes. Not simply “I changed my mind” or have to wait
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xa0kp wrote
Fox News as a source of truth. The same Fox News that had to defend itself in court using the defence no one rational would think it was any other other than entertainment? The same Fox News currently in court for defamation for, checks notes, lies?
Justbe333 t1_j4xa3r5 wrote
Gotta love the projection… That was CNN with Rachel Maddow you stupid fucker
adrianmakedonski t1_j4xa52i wrote
It can sound however it sounds, it's true. You literally don't know what you're talking about and therefore, this conversation is over. When you're ready to open your mind to actual trans experiences from actual trans people (not the hypothetical trans people that fill your scenarios), I'll be here ready to talk.
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xd4gp wrote
You sure? You really really sure?
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xdkdi wrote
Here's another one just in case you are as stupid as you seem.
Justbe333 t1_j4xdszq wrote
More of a free-mind than an open one, but it’s open just not SO open that my brains slip out.. I think I’ll pass. But final thought. if you actually have gender dysphoria, i think you’re gonna realize that ALOT of your trans buddies ,don’t …and those of the people I was referring to as far as being ‘influential’. there’s evidence now, but not enough for it to be beyond refute. May be years down the line, but I think it’ll shine its light . And that’s not a cis opinion, or from my mind, itsthe opinion of a transwoman -that I happen to agree with. Take care.
Justbe333 t1_j4xejrx wrote
I’ll read it in a little while I tapped it, I’ll get back. I’m so pissed right now I need to go destroy something. I don’t have high hopes for the credibility though it’s from the dailybeast, I remember them from the Johnny Depp amber heard trial… and what part of every other MSM was i unclear about lying constantly? Tbc
rush22 t1_j4xwruw wrote
"My next guest? Cum. Why do liberals hate it? We know why. You would think the liberal mind would like it. But they don't. And Cum will be here to tell us more. Plus, the surprising connection your Cum might have with Hunter Biden's laptop. This, and more, cum-ming up haha. Stay tuned."
soldforaspaceship t1_j4xyico wrote
Dude. You're so pissed right now you need to go destroy something? That's not healthy. Please talk to someone. Joking aside, that's not great.
Xaero_Hour t1_j4z0idy wrote
Hehehe. Oh, you're being serious. Let me laugh even harder: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
[deleted] t1_j4z0mk0 wrote
OldHat1991 t1_j4z3oie wrote
Trying to bring attention to someone wearing sexual fetish gear and taking advantage of the gender double standard.
niko4ever t1_j4zhx7u wrote
Pretty sure you can get cheap ones for like $50 if you get bad quality foam booba
niko4ever t1_j4zi0bo wrote
PhotonSilencia t1_j4zjrxz wrote
Yes, it's quite literally a right-wing troll who does it to ridicule trans people. It's on purpose.
pulseout t1_j4zyig8 wrote
Maybe, but look closely at his neck, that's silicone
kushtiannn t1_j5017e6 wrote
So wearing massive prosthetic breasts is wrong?
I guess people shouldn’t do it in front of children, then.
Middle_Wishbone_515 t1_j50sazs wrote
why didnt he just invite Santos or Guliani?
Justbe333 t1_j6n2zgv wrote
Yes, actually I’m sure. And that’s actually not with the court said… in fact, I’m pretty sure the courts said the same thing in both cases, the court ruled that his statement in question would be considered opinion and not fact not that everything he says is opinion, and not fact. But that a reasonable person would not assume a hyperbolic statement was 100% fact.
Justbe333 t1_j6nyphi wrote
In case you’re too stupid, I should point out to you… people lie. You should consider all sources before determining your facts. Just so’z you don’t be a dumb ass or a sheep.
soldforaspaceship t1_j6o2rjx wrote
The projection is strong in this one lol.
McDaddyos t1_j4rxegq wrote
So many people furious over this story in Ontario. The more it gets brought up the less this person bothers me. My 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Gunderson had bigger bazookas than this.