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PupperMartin74 t1_j5mi5hr wrote

Ain't none of anyone's business except the player and coach, provided the player is of the age of consent.x


RandomActsOfKidneys t1_j5miqru wrote

Na. Power dynamic. It's like saying managers should be able to sleep with their employees


Y34rZer0 t1_j5nwqow wrote

but don’t players selected their coaches? It’s not the same power dynamic really


GreatAndPowerfulNixy t1_j5o4vhd wrote

Not usually, no


SpicyUnicornBrittle t1_j5onltp wrote

Actually sort of, the dynamics between a tennis coach and player are different than the usual coach of a sports team. A basketball coach can take you off the team, a tennis coach can't stop you from a joining a tennis tournament(unless he was running it). To your point, The dynamics are more similar when it's the coach of a college tennis or highschool(eww) team. For younger athletes you'd probably see more sexual favors passed from parent to coach.


BroForceOne t1_j5n892q wrote

Honest question, but how is the power dynamic in favor of the coach? The athlete makes the money and is the employer, the coach is hired staff.


TheWoodsman42 t1_j5n9m77 wrote

It’s heavily in favor of the coach when the athlete is underaged, which is what this is about:

“Shriver, who revealed last year that she had an inappropriate relationship with her coach Don Candy when she was a teenager, told The Age in an interview published Sunday that bringing the hammer down on coaches who sleep with players is as important as cleansing the sport of those who use performance-enhancing drugs or attempt to fix matches.”

That’s literally the first sentence of the article.


Y34rZer0 t1_j5nws16 wrote

oh ok, if it applies to junior athletes or under age ones that get groomed then I totally agree, it should be like with teachers and students.