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joopface t1_j5q6492 wrote

Imagine people watching Tucker Carlson complain about the M&M cartoons and agreeing with him.

Picture them, these feeble brained dipshits, nodding in vigorous agreement about how the cartoon M&Ms are being destroyed. Sitting on their couch, solemnly taking seriously the threat to their way of life posed by anthropomorphic M&Ms, angered by something that they’d never even thought about before they’d been told to get angry about it. Centring their emotions on this topic. Feeling that this is an Important Thing to Care About.

If you feel anything but disdain and pity for these people I’d like to know why.


koavf OP t1_j5q6fq6 wrote

> Imagine people watching Tucker Carlson complain about the M&M cartoons and agreeing with him. > >

So you're trying to tell me that you get just as horny at the M&M's as you did previously?


joopface t1_j5q6q51 wrote

Ha ha ha! There has been no change - confirmed


TiredHappyDad t1_j5q9njk wrote

That would be ridiculous. There is no way those old oldies could stand up to the new girls now that purple is on the scene.


Orcabandana t1_j5qeaj0 wrote

> Carlson declared that "M&M's will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous," and that when "you're totally turned off, we've achieved equity."

Who looks at M&M cartoons to be turned on? How are these people real?


Forgotmyaccount1979 t1_j5qe81q wrote

I got to listen, yesterday, to a coworker describe in very unfamiliar terms that they were upset about a "noodle company" changing their product/a flavor of their product to no longer be named Oriental.


He did not buy the product, he did not use it (he didn't even know exactly what company, had just "heard about it"), yet somehow this was something to be angry about.


I remain confused how that changes the world for him.


Deyln t1_j5rrol2 wrote

What's it called now?


Forgotmyaccount1979 t1_j5ru2rq wrote

He didn't know...

Again, driving my wonder at why it mattered, or if it was even real, potentially just people "telling tales" online to insight anger.


elboyo t1_j5tn01v wrote

It's Maruchan ramen. They changed "oriental" flavor to "soy sauce".


WastefulPursuit t1_j5qgdzz wrote

I’m so tired of this candy shaming, they didn’t even release the trans mnm yet


CaptainJackVernaise t1_j5s4kcw wrote

I don't feel much of anything for them. They jumped the shark a long time ago, and I am much happier just not reacting emotionally to any of them anymore. It is so much easier to just cut them off and invest my time in relationships that aren't toxic. Wife, kid, friends...I prefer to invest in people that share my values and aren't completely morally vapid.