PM_ME_UR_XTRA_NIPS t1_j60o4ru wrote
Reply to comment by SpinningHead in Erdogan's governing ally: "I remind Swedish government that Allah is one and his army is Turkish" by michele-x
Their prophet consummated his marriage when his wife was a whole 9 years old. Nine. Religion is gross.
SpinningHead t1_j60pvha wrote
What does that even have to do with proving an imaginary deity "is one"? Also, the Bible is equally gross.
PM_ME_UR_XTRA_NIPS t1_j60qdkq wrote
Any religion that has pedophilia in its lore is hard not to be immediately dismissive and disgusted by. Also, yeah, the Bible is also pretty horrible.
SpinningHead t1_j60raq6 wrote
Welcome to Abrahamic religions.
PM_ME_UR_XTRA_NIPS t1_j60rcme wrote
I'm well aware, thanks
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