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backpackwayne t1_j53zb5m wrote

You mean he could be...., "lying."

George would never do that.


The_Frostweaver t1_j53zisk wrote

Dude has 0 credibility. I 100% believe he scammed that veteran and his service dog and if he wants to dispute it he can release his tax returns and campaign finance records and explain where every cent came from.

Otherwise everything that comes from his mouth is presumed to be lies.


canuckcowgirl t1_j53zsfb wrote

He wouldn't lie about something like this......would he?


coldequation t1_j540dz1 wrote

"I would never do that to anyone, especially not a fellow veteran. It goes against my personal ethos as a Navy SEAL, Green Beret, and Marine Raider." - George Santos


gigglemaniac t1_j5436jn wrote

You know what? FUCK that dog! Stupid, dying little bitch!


No-Owl9201 t1_j544bcg wrote

(In the British vernacular..)

George Santos is a sad tosser who should sod off.


CrizzyBill t1_j547jx8 wrote

>Our trust and safety team sought proof of the delivery of funds from the organizer. The organizer failed to respond, which led to the fundraiser being removed and the email associated with that account prohibited from further use on our platform," Drummond said.

So he got banned from GoFundMe based on this fundraiser, but has no idea who the guy is and never took his money. Seems legit.


kittenrice t1_j54b9m6 wrote

At this point, if he told me "I am standing in front of you" while standing in front of me, I would want confirmation from a third party.


Lee1070kfaw t1_j54xy2i wrote

He look like he’s doing that Toby McGuire beginning of Spider-Man 2 walk in the pic


Analthumbsucker t1_j554617 wrote

He's the perfect Maga, he doesn't lie about some things, he lies about everything. Trump hasn't named a running mate, but this greasy little bum is perfect.


bubba7557 t1_j55orq7 wrote

Here is his problem for the rest of his public life. He lied about so much and has admitted to lying about a lot so no matter what scandal comes up next or ever in the future no one will believe him, even if he's actually telling the truth. I honestly don't understand how Trump has managed to keep a political career with that exact same strategy but I guess if you ascend to cult leader the amount of lying no longer matters. Santos is no cult leader though so the pile of lies he sleeps on will always overshadow anything else he says, truth or not. Example, all of us here are pretty sure he's lying about this but really we don't know. We're extrapolating the most likely truth from his previous actions and assuming he's the liar not the vet. I read a lot more about this yesterday and I actually think the vet guy with the dog isn't exactly a trustworthy source either based on a couple of his self reported actions in this whole whacko story, but I do think his account rings more true than Santos. If I took the exact same story though and applied against someone I thought was honest, I might be more inclined to believe the politician account. I'm sure a ton of my interpretation of that individual story is colored by the fact I believe Santos is a habitual liar and con man, so the easiest explanation is this is just another example of that.


coolluck33 t1_j55wqza wrote

Well, there you have it! If the congressman said he didn't do it, that's good enough for me--NOT!


MuckRaker83 t1_j560itj wrote

Their base consists of people who are terrified to admit they are wrong about anything, ever, even to themselves. So they have no choice but to continue to double down on these bullshitters no matter what they say or do.