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HellYeaTriangles t1_j57bnci wrote

if Nemo released in 2023 he would have escaped by bankrupting the dentist it seems


Chariots487 t1_j57h85a wrote

This is what happens when Yoshi is allowed to influence the youth.


niobiumnnul t1_j57ku6q wrote

> They also exposed his credit card information to everyone watching.

Bad fish.


betillsatan t1_j57n5mh wrote

guess I know what we're having for dinner.


Rocketlucco t1_j57r6z7 wrote

I really like the fish named itself Rowaway.


Cringe_Meister_ t1_j57s5mz wrote

U smell what's The Rock cooking? that's right it's a fish cake😤😎


Thomas_JCG t1_j57y29e wrote

This is legitimately one of the funniest stories I seen this year.


voretaq7 t1_j592muz wrote

This is exactly the sort of thing my fish would have done.


EvansAlf t1_j5969j6 wrote

Gives a whole new meaning to phishing.


SuperKrusher t1_j59lgjd wrote

Not great at Pokemon, but very adept at credit theft and trolling.


Stealthy_Facka t1_j59nmam wrote

The craziest part about the whole story to me is Nintendo granting the refund


emeraldrose484 t1_j59z64z wrote

So do you not get a notification to email or something when a purchase is made on Switch?

Or is this fish just really that crafty?


OlyScott t1_j5a24vb wrote

The fish cost him 500 yen, which is $3.86 American. I wouldn't have bothered to ask for a refund.


AgentOfASignal t1_j5a50bg wrote

> In a freak series of seemingly random events

Emphasis on "seemingly". I think the fish is being let off too easily here.


That_guy1425 t1_j5af2g7 wrote

Its that guy who set up a motion capture on his fish bowl to play pokemon games, he did it previously for pokemon sapphire. While doing the new violet, the game crashed to the switch home page while still accepting inputs and the fish managed to open the Eshop and buy something


Polymersion t1_j5aux35 wrote

They named themselves ROWAWA¥, money symbolism and all.

Just wait for the new album where they talk really fast (by fish standards) about how they pulled it off and don't feel sorry about it, and maybe something about guns and women.


wildefire776 t1_j5b5xm6 wrote

Wow he really got him by the gills didn't he ?


things_inspire_me t1_j5bifcu wrote

I didn't know fish could do this, is there anything else we don't know? 🤨😂


ChuckFina74 t1_j5ce8ow wrote

bloop bloop Do you have any games on your phone bloop


KeaboUltra t1_j5i6sga wrote

I remember my mom had nintendo refund a digital DSi purchase after I bought a game without her permission. they refunded her but in turn, my console/account was completely barred from using any credit card. Years later I called them back to try to undo it because I still use the account to this day. I had to explain the reasoning but thankfully was able to undo it.