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just_some_arsehole t1_j655o17 wrote

It's a site who's main attraction is "come listen to the rantings of histories most lasagna shaped grifter" it's hardly a surprise that other scam artists will swarm in like tiny fish following a shark to pick at the bits it misses


xxpact t1_j65db36 wrote

What the actual fuck… you are on a website all about stroking a conman’s ego, realistically wtf did you expect


BroForceOne t1_j65dvsf wrote

They're not fake, they're just Non Fungible T-shirts.


Bigfoot_the_stoner t1_j65e82j wrote

its the perfect conservative social media site and no one with any critical thinking skills expected anything else.


Mrcoldghost t1_j65ecgv wrote

What can you expect when it’s run by a racist idiot grifter?


Factsaretheonlytruth t1_j65ij11 wrote

If you want to fish for suckers go to the scummy pond in which they are known to swim.


Xaero_Hour t1_j65ilv8 wrote

Normally, this would warrant a, "oh no...anyway," but in this case I'll go with, "everyone on that website deserves everything bad that happens to them in life plus a little extra."


bothunter t1_j65kocl wrote

Fake products to go with their fake news.


improper84 t1_j65mj89 wrote

You put a bunch of suckers in a room together and someone's gonna find a way to con them.


Bubbaganewsh t1_j65ogr7 wrote

Are you saying a site started by a grifter is full of grifters?


BillTowne t1_j65sldp wrote

Grifters on a Trump site?

Old saying: If you aren't paying, you are not the customer. You are the product.

Truth Social. Your source for easy marks.


scanman20 t1_j6602y1 wrote

Wait, are you saying that a social network created by grifters, for grifters, is grifting?


ciopobbi t1_j660g2k wrote

The ignorant gullible dimwit cult is only too eager to open their wallets begging to be gleefully scammed.

“I love the poorly educated” was one of the only true statements that Chubby Cheeto ever uttered.


Criplor t1_j669r3d wrote

To be fair, so are most other social networks.


Jaysyn4Reddit t1_j66af3q wrote

It's the largest group of suckers on the internet, exactly what dd you expect to happen?


CodeMonkeyPhoto t1_j66anrr wrote

That a feature not a bug. They know their target demographic.


CthuluTheGrand t1_j66h65w wrote

Instagram is absolutely filled with scam products as well.


coolluck33 t1_j66oj6e wrote

The grift never stops, it's the MaGag way.


DazedinDenver t1_j66r4ip wrote

But Devin Nunes is CEO. He's brilliant and always knows everything about everything. How could it possibly fail??? /s


2ndtryagain t1_j66yclt wrote

I personally would be shocked to see a legitimate ad on there.


Kuildeous t1_j66yvxy wrote

I mean, if people are dumb enough to think Trump is for them, then you can literally sell them anything.


Malphos101 t1_j66zard wrote

Just think, right now there is someone making hundreds of thousands of dollars grifting right wingers with maybe 10 hours of work a week while you're working 2 jobs to barely break $40k a year!



Bird767 t1_j67001m wrote

Fake news, scams and delusions?

The perfect platform for them


Photons_are_go t1_j670frh wrote

If MAGAots go broke buying crap on Truth I see no downside. Who cares if a bunch of traitors go bankrupt? It is a win for normal Americans.


KittenKoder t1_j671dnc wrote

In the meantime, the only real scam ads left on YouTube seem to be those fake mobile games. Hopefully no one actually clicks on those.


LordEdward18 t1_j6726bq wrote

Omfg I thought it meant the Truth anti-smoking campaign. I need to go to bed


jsatz t1_j673sk9 wrote

I’ll try and contain my amazement


Arcades_Samnoth t1_j6748se wrote

I mean, these are the people that give their bank account access to supposed African princes if left to their own devices


ramriot t1_j674nki wrote

So targetted advertising then?


2021fireman10 t1_j678cnk wrote

You don’t say. Who’d a thunk it. 🥴🤪😂🤣


Chariots487 t1_j678qfw wrote

Good going Donny, you've really set yourself apart from all those other social media platforms. Now if you'll excuse me, Twitter's linking me to the third kickstarter in a row for the latest NFT game.


NeverLookBothWays t1_j678yyt wrote

Misleading but not confusing. They’re used to falling for scams


Yourbubblestink t1_j679gsw wrote

Who are we kidding? They sell the same shit on conservative radio stations. Bullshit cures, doomsday, prepper supplies, cash for gold and my pillow.


glitchycat39 t1_j67cd37 wrote

Huh, you mean a bunch of grifters are grifting the ever loving fuck out of the marks who fall for their shit?


Anyway, here's Wonderwall.


batosai33 t1_j67hv5i wrote

We'll yea. It's a website specifically for people who are easily exploited. It's like a report that a porn shop flyer is hanging in the strip club.


BHop96th t1_j67ixnq wrote

Honestly if you're a scammer, this would be the ideal place to advertise. Think of the typical person who gets scammed and cross reference the type of person who would be on truth social. Mostly the same demographic. I haven't been there but I'm sure that medicare scam is big


The84thWolf t1_j67psjk wrote

And yet, Truth Social visitors don’t click that they are being scammed by “their team” and will blame liberals


Magdalan t1_j684dz0 wrote

Water = wet, more news at 11.


Areallyangryduck_ t1_j686pk8 wrote

Well, the market adapts to the userbase. I see nothing wrong from a pro-unregulated market perspective.


Pale_Bookkeeper_9994 t1_j687x3o wrote

I’ve been working in the digital ad space since 1999. To be fair, FB has one of the most scam ridden advertising ecosystems. It wouldn’t surprise me if “Truth” Social (such a bad name) is even worse. The quality of the ads on the sites I managed Ad Operations for was always a top priority. I’ve literally quit companies where the CEO overruled me and put profit before ad quality and deceptive advertising. The fish rots from the head down.


heathers1 t1_j689lce wrote

They may be fake but manifesting will make them work/s


MrNothingmann t1_j68bxo2 wrote

Not gonna lie, there have been times where I considered creating some sort of MAGA related merchandise just to make a quick easy buck from these clowns. I eventually backed down when I realized at some point I might end up under investigation for it. lol I'll leave it to the ghost LLCs from China.


johnbran69 t1_j68ceyn wrote

“(Rumbles) tools make it harder to track an ad’s performance compared to major platforms and seem to limit advertiser abilities to target specific demographics.”… the tools work great if your demographic is uneducated, gullible white rednecks.


jaydeetol t1_j68d79h wrote

Then don't go to it for information if it is fake.


HeroOrHooligan t1_j68iro2 wrote

Always be wary when someone tells you that they are very much something because it's often the opposite. Just like how fox news would call themselves fair and balanced when the 24 hour news cycle was in its early days


PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS t1_j68jl39 wrote

If I didn't have high morals I'd probably also do a bit of scamming there.


defusted t1_j68pyxm wrote

Fuck em, it's that free market they love so much in action


sealmeal21 t1_j68uc00 wrote

Bold claims from companies who like to advertise alongside terrorist organizations like the Taliban. Elon was the problem not advertising alongside beheadings by them and other groups. Lol


lostcauz707 t1_j68unw5 wrote

The entire conservative agenda is to grift and spread fake news... Sounds like advertisers know their audience.


Skysis t1_j68vvav wrote

Pravda Social, what do you expect....


Bert_Fegg t1_j697hzz wrote

and KinoPravda was when they'd send railcars into remote areas to show films about Russian "Truth". The concept of verisimilitue is very convincing to the untrained consumer.


Squeakygear t1_j6aevp0 wrote

A grifter’s website is populated by grifters… color me surprised!


Musetrigger t1_j6bqpec wrote

Go where the idiots go. They click on anything if it has Jesus or a dead immigrant on it.


Khemith t1_j6c1rdf wrote

Not even Reagan had a cult. WTF do you base your comment on? Trump literally has people who worship him as an idol. Who literally will destroy their careers and lives for him Look at Mike Lindell. Rudy Giulianni. Ashli Babbitt.

Who the fuck has died for Biden?

Do you think being a celebrity automatically makes you a cult leader? Trump exhibits all the characteristics of a cult leader and his people.

You're just a reactionary who projects on everyone and everything.


OkEmphasis4071 t1_j6dunlo wrote

People are literally blindly following Biden and kissing his ass the same way Trump supporters do, he’ll you attacked me now just because I talked bad about your precious Biden 🤣
