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sprint6864 t1_j696vpb wrote

Weight gain/loss is a bit more than calories in and out. That's just the baseline. The others also altered some of the choices made; like less sugary drinks or fries. It was the specific fact that the person who made the 'documentary' would always super size, consumed large amounts of soda and sodium, and was also a bit of an alcoholic.


DJWGibson t1_j69afu6 wrote

Yes. But if you hit the gym and do enough cardio & weights that you're burning all the calories from McDonalds and don't have other underlying health issues, even three daily Super Sized meals won't impact your weight.

Body builders need to consume a ridiculous amount of calories. While you're unlikely to bulk up from McDonalds and be as cut as you'd be from chicken and broccoli every three hours you won't get fan and unhealthy...


[deleted] t1_j6abw90 wrote



DJWGibson t1_j6aevb0 wrote

False equivalency.

Just because I'm saying the documentary is problematic or that eating daily McDonalds isn't automatically unhealthy doesn't mean I'm saying McDonalds is good for you.

Heck, broccoli and roasted chicken are good for you, but eating a small plate of that every three hours isn't healthy either unless you're burning a lot of calories.


sprint6864 t1_j69bbzo wrote

Body builders built up that metabolic rate, it's not something you can just construct over a few weeks in the gym. Their bodies are actively consuming a massive amount of calories while they're resting. What's more, they aren't just consuming anything and everything, their diets are very specific and focus on Macros. Reddit science and actual nutrition aren't the same. Healthy and long term weight loss/gain will always be more than just calories in/out, hence why The Biggest Loser is constantly being sued for the long term damages they've caused to contestants