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bigsoftee84 t1_j5g0ef5 wrote

Please provide any evidence supporting your opinion. You've been using your opinion as fact to try to shift blame onto the servers and haven't provided anything other than your opinion to support it. You're now trying to compare it to food handling laws, which are entirely different and exist for entirely different reasons. They are only related in this context because they put liability on the business and not the customer. You're consuming the food with the expectation that it will be prepared properly. This person didn't die from consumption. What do you think the expectation is when consuming alcohol? I assume most understand that it is an intoxicating substance. The consumption of which will make you impaired, and you should not operate a motor vehicle.

This case is like taking seafood home from a restaurant and leaving it on your counter overnight, then suing the restaurant because you got sick eating it for breakfast. Yes, there is a possibility the restaurant is at fault, but your actions are what led to unsafe conditions. The existence of food handling laws does not negate your responsibility for your actions. You created unsafe conditions, and you then ate that food most would agree is unsafe. This person consumed a substance they knew, or at the very least most people recognize would lead to impairment and still got behind the wheel. They didn't have a proper plan or didn't follow it. That isn't the fault of the servers, though according to the suit it is.


deechbag t1_j5g2zqd wrote

I mentioned the law i was refering to but guess a link would have been better. And again i get this doesn't apply here, I'm just saying if this occured elsewhere, her lawsuit wouldn't seem ridiculous and probably would succeed if she can prove she was intoxicated when served.,person%20of%20known%20intemperate%20habi

The food example was just to show that laws are not followed but they are still laws. You can't serve a med rare or rare, don't even think med but can't remember the temps rn, steak legally where I live, as it is not cooked to a safe temp. It is still done tho just like bar serve intoxicated people and they cause injuries without consequences. That was all I was trying to do with that. Provide an example of something that's on the books but ignored.